Chapter 3:The family

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They was a family of nagas they were a happy family they loved to explore especially they daughter he was always loved to explore animals, plant's, stars and humans he always wanted to go a see humans up close but he knew that he could not because people will hurt him and his family so he watches from afar
The brother loved animals she had the ability to take to animals like all the other nagas but that didn't really cross her mind she nows ever thing about animals she just loved them
The dad prefers to read a be in the shade he loved the peace and quiet when it came to his family he loves them he expected loves his kids he would sale his soul to save his kids
The mom was amazing she nows ever thing about ever thing like a mom she was a role model to her kids she was brave, strong and fast she is the definition of 'you should never mess with a mom' the family all together was a lovely family they had they ups and downs but that did not stop them from loving each other
The family was getting ready for bed all ready they all curled up together tell the family heard something the two parents left to go find out what it was expected it to be a bear or something in the wild little did they now
The youngest sibling was curled up next to his sister she was protect him just in case when a humans with armor on they took the kids the kids were screaming, scratching trying to get out the parents were call for they children and trying to find them they did not no what happened to they kids on the end the parents could not find they kids
The kids were in a strange metal box(it was a cage) the youngest was scared next to his sister,she was curled up next his brother protect him, she will protect him tell the end the kids say a strange thing(it was a building) and was carried into it and went into a room with strange tools the kids were taken out of the box and was strapped to something that was the same material as the box they were they for days, months and years being tortured the female was forced to mate with another experiment in the lab to make powerful mythical creature they hurt the kids tell the could not move both parents and brother had enough the decided to break out they took out ever thing insight the brother had the kids sneaking out of the building they escape but the parents weren't so lucky(or so they though)the brother took care of both kids make sure they had a good time well trying to find his way home to his parents tell the people who captured them came back to take the kids and kill him but the brother was not going to let that happen he was a poisonous snake so he bit them and the fell dead to the ground he took the kids a left they all got older the tell the brother could not continue he gave the eldest sibling two rings it belong to they parents the siblings left they continued to find they traveled from place to place tell they got to a place that had strange creatures but they two sibling didn't care the just wanted to find a way home to they grandparents and maybe to they parents they still alive they both now it but the uncle didn't(because of Truma) it was night and they found a place it looked like a building but before they could do anything the both fell unconscious and stayed like that tell the morning when a mother found them a took them in

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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