5.Party's over

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Arora's side
I looked towords Nevio. He was with Massimo and Alessio, Adamo just joined them. I couldn't not say 'hi', he knew I was coming and of course all of them were around me. So to make sure they don t wonder after me and see Greta I have to get in and out quickly not to loose Greta from my sight was challanging without raisimg suspicions.

"Hi!,how was the race?"
They all said hi back.
"As always, we rarely get something knew. You just got here?" Nevio said

"Yes, my dad was working late,couldn't get out earlier"

He studied me for a bit and I got uneasy,damn

"You ok? You seam eager to leave"

I got the drink to my lips to make time to come up with an excuse,a story.But uncle Adamo beat me to it.

"That's enough for you"

"Wha' "

"Don't push it I'm already not telling Fabiano about you being here,not taking any more risks, I taught we agreed you'll come with the boys?"

"Yes,well tonight as I said I was a bit late"

Nevio dragged me aside to take a walk and interogate me. I had to be careful cause I lost sight of Greta and I know if he had the change he'll recognise her from a million.

"What's wrong?"

"Hmm? Nothing's wrong, stop acting wierd"

"Oh I'm not the one acting wierd, spit it blondie" he said in a serious semi teasimg way

"Noting really, maybe is that period of the month I'm not feeling like myself"

Ok never talked about my period with a guy, let alone Nevio, damn Greta the things I do for you".

"Do you want to go? I'll get my keys"

"Ahm no,no, I'm fine"

Greta's story

We settled on a side bench, it was quieter, and less people were around wich calmed me and at the same time gave me anxiety. I didn't know this guy, this was so unrational amd dangerous.

"So did you ride?" He asked,cautios with soft eyes and an encouraging smile.

I scrunched my nose in a 'no'.

He chuckled." Yeah,didn't think so, did your friend ride?"

He waited a bit. Maybe waiting for me to say something more.
"So you're here just for the afterparty? I haven't seen you around before,yet again I haven't been around in 3 years"

"Paries aren't really my thing,this is my first time"

He had a hint of a disbeliefing look on his face.

I just felt like in a  dream,kind of dizzy yet it felt enjoyeble, did the pills take effect?, what were they. Out of nowhere I said:

"So you're from around?"
He huffed a grin.Also he looked like he didn't belive me.

"Not quite"

What was that supposed to mean. I didn't really have time to think about it because in my dizziness machineguns started fiering and chaos broke free. Screams and blood everywhre. That's all I remember and I really hope it was all a dream.

Amo's side:

"Not quite"

And then we were under attack. I was prepared for things like these but the sweet girl next to me certantly wasn't. I tried to grab her and her knees gave up. I carried her through the forest. I knew this forest it was safer here. When I got to my car i put her in the backsit buckled her up and started my car without turning the lights on, not to attract any attentuin. I called my father who immidietly sent a jet closer to me.
Emma was still out. She looked so peaceful. Her fragile body in my arms felt like a leaf. I had to call a doctor when we got to New York. I don't know what was I thinking. I just met her ,but if I left her there she would be dead and that thaught just send shivers down my neck..oh this girl.

I got out of the car,got her and enterd the jet.
We were in the air and I took her pulse. I think it was ok. I wasn't a doctor but I made sure one was already at my penthouse for when we arrived.

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