Chapter One: What Is This Place?

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Tap. Tap. Tap. Vegetto woke up to the jabbing of a stick against her skull. In natural instinct she shot her arm up and punched the mysterious fluffly figure. With the sound of a big, loud, crack. Oh no. She quickly jumped up and looked around. When her vision finally focused she saw a giant cat wearing a suit, holding his bloody nose.

"OMG, I am so sorry!" she panicked.

"What the heck, woman?!" the cat shrieked.

"I didn't mean to! It was a natural reflex!"

"How is punching someone a natural reflex?!"

"Well, I panicked oka-Wait, are you a khajiit?"

"What?" questioned the weird cat thing.

"Nevermind..." Vegetto sighed.

After moments of awkward silence, Yuki finally came to her senses and came over to investigate. "Oh, dangit, she's still alive," Vegetto thought. "She's seems to be my eternal punishment, besides Sapphire, of course. Good thing she's not here."

A few moments later another cat came carrying a circle-headed white figure, screaming and scratching.

"I wasn't meaning to escape! I swear!!" screamed the creature.

"Save it," replied the cat. He threw the thing onto the ground and turned to the other bleeding cat-man. "What happened?" he asked. The cat slowly pointed to Vegetto, who was trying to look innocent.

"Bob, what should I do with the prisoner?" the furry animal asked.

"Take them to Hatty," Bob replied, "And take those two while you're at it."

He grabbed Yuki and Vegetto by their ears and dragged them into the theater as they both argued and blamed each other for getting themselves into this big, crazy mess.

The hallways of the theater were huge and covered with fancy red wallpaper. The guard brought them through a locked iron door and into a long hallway, full of cages and crying, broken, and afraid people trapped inside. There was little light at all and even less food. One of the prisoners turned and looked to Vegetto and pleaded, "Please, help us."

She quickly turned away, feeling lots of grief and fear. She remembered her own childhood, where she had gone through tough times herself. Of course, nothing like this. They finally reached the end of the hallway and left the place of despair.

The theater looked the same as it did before at the beginning except there were a lot more guards and a huge, giant, fancy door, with the name Hatty Hattington written on it in gold.

Knock, knock, knock! The door swung open and inside was a giant podium with a white block-headed man wearing a tall top hat, filing papers.

"Sir, Mr. Hattington?" called the cat.

"Yes?" the so called Hatty replied without looking up from his work.

"A prisoner tried to escape again, he made it out to the edge of the island." Hatty nodded, not seeming to really notice nor care. "Then give him a proper punishment."

"Yes, sir," the guard said, "We also found these two by the shore aswell." He shoved Vegetto and Yuki down to the floor for Hatty to see.

Hatty Hattington looked up and stared at the two foreigners.

"What? Wha--- What? Who are they?!" Hatty called, seeming way more into the conversation than before.

"I'm not sure, sir. They were passed out on the shore."

"Then put them to work. Find the nearest cell."

"Uhh, yes, sir" the guard nodded, not liking the idea.

Vegetto leaped up with anger, "What? Work? Nuh-huh!" All the cat-guards shot up with fear. She said no to the great Hatty Hattington!

"Why would I listen to you? You're not the boss of me!" She screamed.

"Well, you're not wrong," Hatty replied, "However, you're in my theater now. You're my prisoners."

After trying to keep low and quiet for so long, Yuki finally snapped. "Listen here you little block-headed freak! I am no one's prisoner! I don't care who owns this diddly-darn theater! You cannot keep us here! If you want us to work, then you have to fight us first!"

Yuki looked at Vegetto. They both were thinking the exact same thing. They got into position and began to fire a Kamehameha.

Hatty laughed, "What a beautiful light show. Guards!" All the guards hurried and grabbed hold of each of them and take them to their cells. Neither of them would budge.

"Sir! We can't stop them! They won't move!" a cat shouted. Vegetto thought to herself. This man may be an angry tyrant. But he may be possessed. All the evil energy is coming from his hat not him. He might not deserve this. She stopped the attack and looked gloomily at the floor. If that really is the case. He needs to be saved.

"What are you doing!?" Yuki shrieked.

"Yuki," Vegetto looked into her eyes with grief. Yuki caught on to the message and completely stopped the attack, letting the guards take them away. To be trapped here in this dark, corrupted place, for possibly an eternity.

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