How I met Sam

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I was laying in my bed staring at the ceiling when my phone tinged. I looked at the text, it was Harry (my boyfriend). He wanted to break up with me...

I threw my phone at the wall as tears streamed down my face. He had told me that he loved me 3 hours ago. "WHY!" I screamed into my pillow. I ran out of the house and all the way down to the park in the rain. I hid under the slide and cried to myself.

After 10 minutes I composed myself and started walking towards the corner shop. I bought a huge tub of ice cream and some sweets. As I was eating my sweets and walking along the street with my hood up I walked into someone.

"Alexa?" Someone said. I looked up to see Sam. He's a kind and caring boy and admittedly, I liked him.
"Umm hey Sam," I mumbled
"Is everything ok," he said softly pulling my chin up,"was it that jerk Harry?" He asked in a concerned tone.
Before I knew it I was leaning against his powerful chest and sobbing my eyes out.

He walked me home and I went to bed, putting my broken phone on the kitchen table. First thing the next morning I went downstairs to find my dad.

"Alexa why is your phone broken?!" He asked letting out an annoyed sigh.
"It was an accident,"I said,"I dropped it on the bathroom floor.
" You IDIOT," he screamed. Those were the last words I ever heard my dad say. The next morning his work colleagues found him dead in his office.

I was devastated as I would have no one to take care of me. Sam and his family heard my story and took me in. As the weeks went by I got closer and closer to Sam, to the point where we were more than friends.

"Sam..." I said as I crept into his room.
"Yeah," he whispered. I looked at him. "Nightmares," he said patting the pace next to him. I nodded and clambered onto his bed. As I fell onto the mattress I leaned against his chest.

I knew that we were meant to be. He kissed me passionately and I kissed him back. This was the start of my new life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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