The spider man? Woman? Nah just kelsey

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Kelsey was swinging across the city in her sPiDeRmAn outfit and a big ✨explosion✨ caught her attention "Omg I gotta go stop the bad guy" Kelsey swung to the scene and heard a girl screaming "HELPPPPP" it was perla!. Kelsey shot webs in the bad guys eyes and the bad guy was no other than GODZILLA. Godzilla was shooting lasers out his eyes and breathing fire and stompin on all of the buildings he was also..*dramatic pause* HOLDING PERLA CAPTIVE. Kelsey just had to save the girl next door  she can't let perla get eaten by Godzilla can she? Hell no. Kelsey started defeating Godzilla with epic music and stuff behind it and once she got Godzilla to let go of his hand he dropped perla and she was falling on the ground screaming for help and then suddenly...Kelsey swooped in and caught her. Kelsey's mask got torn in the fight and had to be careful to not let anyone see her. Perla saw who Kelsey really was and her heart skipped a beat "Kelsey?" Kelsey felt like she just got stabbed by perla saying her name and such a horrified confused tone. Kelsey stayed silent.   Once they both got to a safe place perla started up some words "Kelsey! A-as a token of my appreciation for you saving me I made you this!" It was a jar with rainbow dash glued on at the bottom it had a label. "Taste the rainbow" Kelsey took the jar,looked up at perla and back at the jar. Kelsey stood up and smiled sUh-WeEtLy "'ll add to my collection" perla blushed and their heads got closer and closer and soon enough both of their foreheads were touching


✨the end✨

*insert elevator music*

*insert elevator music*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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