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  Tyler, Charlotte, I find ourselves hanging out in my backyard on our old swing set. Why my moms still have this thing I'm not sure but it guess it's pretty cool to have. I mean who doesn't like to swing? I remember watching my tío Miquel and Mama E build this for us. It was more like Mama E built it while tío drank beer and handed her screws or nails or whatever.

  I'm having fun hanging out with my two best friends but I have a feeling they wouldn't even notice if I tiptoed away. They've been dreamily starring at each other for the last hour. I reach over and grab the blunt out of Ty's hand. They've been hogging it this entire time.

"Why have I never heard of Sydney until now. I'm feeling so left out." Tyler says but I can hear the humor in their voice. I ignore them and stare at the fence.

Charlotte sighs. "Because she broke our sweet little Meggy's heart and she never recovered."

Tyler laughs. "Oh I think she recovered just fine. I've seen a few of her recovery aids."

I choke on the smoke I'm blowing out. They're such an asshole.

"Yes but how many of them stick around?" Charlotte asks.

"Hmm. You have a good point."

  "I can hear you guys." I remind them.

What nobody really understands is Sydney did break my heart, that's true, but she did so much more than that. She let her father talk about our night like it meant nothing. She let him say those things about me like I forced her. She didn't bother to correct him. She let him insinuate that what we did was anything less than beautiful and above all else consensual. I would never hurt anyone like that, much less her. I was humiliated in front of my entire family and hers. The worst part about it is she never said sorry. She never once tried to fix it. She just... didn't care. She walked away and never looked back for me. Even though I waited. I held out hope for so long until I just couldn't anymore.

"Shit. Your mom." Tyler says and grabs the joint from me. I try to tell them not to worry but I'm too slow.

"Uh uh. No way. I'm out until I can get to the dispensary tomorrow. Let me in on that." Mama C holds her hand out and Tyler giggles as they give my mom the weed.

She exhales and sighs out with relief. "Delilah is in there going nuts over the ball tomorrow." 

  "Ball?" I ask.

Mama takes another hit before answering me. "Yeah. Survivors Association."

"That's the organization that pays for therapy for women who have been sexually assaulted and stuff like that right?" Charlotte asks.

Mama tries to hand the joint back to Tyler but they push it back towards her. She smiles. "Yeah but it's for anyone. Not just women. She helps every year but this year she's in charge and... oof."

I laugh. Mommy has a habit of freaking out over things. We love her but once she's on the warpath just watch out. Speaking of which...

"Meghan!" Mommy calls from the back deck. "Meg!"

"Yes?" I answer.

"Do you have your camera? A good one. We can buy you one. Whatever. I need you to come to the fundraiser." She says this while typing something on her phone. "The other photographer bailed on me."

Mama C makes her eyes wide at me and shakes her head no. I have to stifle a laugh. "What fundraiser?" I ask.

Mommy stares out at me for a moment with her hands on her hips. Then she tosses her hands into the air turning on her heels. "Emma!" She yells as she disappears back into the house.

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