Chapter 13

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Author Note- Sorry, this chapter is a little short! I'll make it up to you guys at some point..!🤩

Hiding? Pft... hiding. Great joke that was-heh!

Good Diavolo what were you going to do.

Your teeth clenched and a smile forced on your face, you approach him, almost tip toeing your way across to him, as if that would reduce the space in the room at all.

His eyebrow seemed to raise further (how.) as a quizzical look remained clear.

"That one seems nice." You say calmly, pointing to a number from the menu, sliding your finger on the laminated paper until you reached it. He sighed, almost in a manner of defeat but also as if he wouldn't allow himself to give it up.

"Y/N... you okay?"

Yep. Never been better. God if he could feel your heart rate right now. Well, let's not think of Lucifer feeling anything right now-excuse needed urgently.

"Uh-yeah. Pretty good right now. It's just..." Quick. Think. Anything? You thought to yourself, almost rattling your brain empty. "I would be better if only we could.." You place your right hand gingerly on his shoulder, leaning in with full eye contact, as if not afraid. "-if only we could... be closer." His eyes widened slightly in response-he had not managed to react smoothly accordingly.

Aw, so he can get flustered.

You managed to be surprised at that every time.

He moved away, taking your hand away and moving to a nearby table to place the menu, before taking his slow strides towards you, his face leaning in and his breath hot.

"Is that... so..?" He mutters, almost as if in disbelief. Though of course this must be no surprise to him- Lucifer could get any partner he had ever wanted-though I'm sure not many lived to tell the tale.

You had to approach this carefully.

"I'm sorry-I-uh, didn't mean to actually say that... out loud." You fade out towards the end, lying very obviously in an attempt to fool him. Did it work? On the Avatar of Pride? You wished.

You looked back on all of the eyelashes blown, all of the times you had looked at the clock to read "11:11" and all of the times your luck had held. Were you insane-? What are you thinking about right now: no eyelash could tip the Avatar of Pride over-
He leaned in further, standing straight and simply placing his head on your shoulder, his hair falling gently on your back.

He sighed. Relieved. As if he had that on his chest all along. Was this some sort of expectation he had had? Perhaps why he went so far as to go to such a restaurant. Such a hotel. Such lengths to build an emotional barrier between the two of you, to think you would not get attached. That would be crazy.

Your thoughts had spiralled so far you had not realised you too had sighed, a weight off your own chest.

You felt his face move across your shoulder, as if to face you.

"You sure you're okay? Is this too close?" He muttered, oddly happily.

You were in such a sorry piteous state in this situation you could barely keep it together. Lucifer actually cared, and he legitimately wanted this to happen. How? Why? Why you?


Why not you? You're smart, confident, funny-at least those are the attributes Lucifer constantly had spoken of- to which you had always ignored. How could you have acted so blind when in reality it was so clear he was head over heels for you?

Okay tone it down... did the adrenaline get to you?

How could you have acted so blind when in reality... he actually held interest in you..?

"Hm.. you ready to go out Y/N? There's this bar with dance and food-"

"I'll be there." You don't even allow him to finish his sentence.

You wouldn't let that man slip through your fingers if even a hundred of Mammon's bets came between you.

Though most certainly he would notice if a hundred of his shirts would be taken..

This was an opportunity-and a great one at that. Here's to the night of our lives. Soon to be in a bar, far away from the House of Lamentation, and far away from doubts and worries. The only thing you would have room for is undying love. Preferably on the dance floor. Inches away from Lucifer's face under the elegant light of stardom.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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