Teaser trailer

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*we see the Nickelodeon movies logo appear*

*we see the Nickelodeon movies logo appear*

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*before it we cut to the Pixar Logo*

*as we pan up to a picture of a much younger Rita Loud on a poster which says Mrs Incredible she wears a black mask along with a red suit with black gloves undergarments and boots an orange belt with the logo of her superhero identity on her chest...

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*as we pan up to a picture of a much younger Rita Loud on a poster which says Mrs Incredible she wears a black mask along with a red suit with black gloves undergarments and boots an orange belt with the logo of her superhero identity on her chest with an orange circle and a black sigma then an I logo with white in the middle of the I

We pan to other newspaper articles from at least the 1980's to 1990's on how Mrs Incredible saved a group of school kids from a rampaging hippopotamus that escaped from the zoo.....stopped an assassin from murdering the mayor of Royal Woods ......saving a yacht and its crew from a typhoon....stopped a cult from doing mass death......

went to a hospital to celebrate a kid's birthday the kid looks like he is on chemotherapy suggesting he had cancer.....Pardoned a space shuttle ready for launch......saving a younger Lynn Sr from a villain who's dressed up as a mixture of an alien and dinosaur.....it cuts to saying Mrs incredible retired? "The superheroine has decided to settle down with Lynn Loud"

Before it cuts back up to more modern paper articles.....like one saying "Mrs Incredible returns?!".....and another saying "she has a sidekick" as we see a picture of her and Lincoln wearing the same outfit as his mother standing proud at a school Rita has Gained a bit of weight from her cravings and pregnancies however the newspaper says

"Mrs incredible & Incrediboy stop school shooting from happening"......*as we cut to more of her and her sons heroics we cut to a phone ringing as Rita grabs it*

*as we cut to more of her and her sons heroics we cut to a phone ringing as Rita grabs it*

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Dispatcher: Mrs incredible....Incrediboy we need your help

*Rita puts down the phone and we cut to her putting on her supersuit with Lincoln blurred while putting on his Supersuit as we pan up to Rita putting her mask on*

*Rita puts down the phone and we cut to her putting on her supersuit with Lincoln blurred while putting on his Supersuit as we pan up to Rita putting her mask on*

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Mrs incredible: showtime! *to Lincoln* you ready Incrediboy?

Incrediboy: yes mom I'm ready as well

Mrs incredible: good now let's- *sees her belt isn't completely on*.....not again..... *she struggles to put her belt on* grrrrr come on.....

Incrediboy: you need help mom?

Mrs incredible: no Lincoln sweetie I got this *she struggles even more* GGGGRRRR!!! Come on you stupid belt!-

Lori: *offscreen* mom! Lincoln! It's literally time for dinner

Mrs incredible: I'm sorry Lori but me & Lincoln have no time for dinner...we....we gotta go! *She struggles some more*.....*to herself* I need to loose some weight.....*to lori* Maybe just a salad! A sandwich for Lincoln! Ooh yeah and maybe some rice cakes!

*we cut to a montage of Rita struggling and failing to get her belt on*

Mrs incredible: grrr come on fit!

Incrediboy: mom are you sure you don't need some help putting on the belt?

Mrs incredible: yeah I'm sure Lincoln I'm sure

*she struggles some more she bumps her head onto her bed*

Mrs Incredible: Argh! Dang it! Okay I need help Lincoln

*we cut to Lincoln holding his mother's superhero belt as she's standing*

Incrediboy: ready mom

Mrs incredible: ready

Incrediboy: suck it in

*she holds in her body as Lincoln puts her belt on*

Incrediboy: and done now you can suck it out

*Rita sucks out sees her belt on*

Mrs incredible: wow it actually worked *she picks Lincoln up and kisses his cheek* thanks sweetie

Incrediboy: you're welcome mom or should I say Mrs Incredible

*they embrace for a bit before Rita's belt flings off of her and busts her rooms lighting*

Mrs incredible & Incrediboy:....dang it.....

*we pan to the logo*


Save Royal woods and the world on (potential 2022 dates for release 9/21/22 or 12/10/22) (possible 2023 release dates? 3/27/23 or 7/5/23)

Mrs Incredible TeaserWhere stories live. Discover now