Beyond Chuck E Cheese

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Perla was awoken by the sound of her phone buzzing. It was from Kelsey. "Good morning, how are you my little peacock 🦚" the text message read. Blushing, Perla unlocked her phone and responded, "I'm doing good my little kangaroo 🦘". "I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date ❤️" Kelsey asked. "Where at?" Perla responded. "Chuck E Cheese😍" Kelsey texted. "YESS I LOVE IT THERE" Perla gushed now fully awake. "Okay meet me there at 6 and if you're late you will regret it🔪" Kelsey replied back. Hours later, Perla is getting ready for the date. Perla drives to Chuck E Cheese and waits for Kelsey to arrive. Kelsey's car pulls up next to Perla's. "Hey baba gill". Blushing, they go inside and walk up to the employee. "Aren't you guys a little too OLD to be at Chuck E Cheese?!" the employee teases. Perla then beats him up and steals his Chuck E Cheese hat. They then sit at a table. "So what do you want to order?" Kelsey asked. "CHEESE PIZZA" Perla yelled. Her yelling caught the attention of the waiter and ordered their CHEESE PIZZA. "Let's play some games while we wait baba gill" Kelsey suggests. Perla accepts and they cutely walk toward the games. "Oh wait, we don't have the card to play games Kelsey" Perla says. "It's okay, I have another way of getting the cards for FREE." Kelsey walks up to some kids and steps on them till they're unconscious. "Look there's some cards right here" Kelsey says as she takes cards from the kids pockets. "Hot" Perla drools. They play ski ball and use the balls to throw at kids. The pizza buzzer goes off in Perla's shorts and she screams. "AAAAHHHHHH". "It's okay baba gill, the pizza is ready." Kelsey assures Perla. "Yippee!" Perla cheers. They proceed to eat up their pizza ROMANTICALLY. They walk up to the prize counter to see what the should save up for and they spot the most beautiful thing they've ever seen in their whole entire lives, a big fat among us plushie for 1,000 tickets. "WE NEED IT!" Perla yells. "Inside voice please." a employee tells Perla. Perla then cracks her knuckles and beats him up. They then hear the speakers say something. "ARE YOU READY FOR CHUCK E CHEESE TO COME OUT?!?... 3!!..2!!..1!!"." I didn't know Chuck E  was gay." Perla says. They collect tickets that Chuck E throws and he accidentally steps on Kelsey's fingers. "OWWW" Kelsey yelps. They give Kelsey 40 cents as a refund. Before they know it, it's already time for Chuck E Cheese to close. "We don't have enough tickets for the among us!" Perla whined. "I have an idea, let's stay the night here and steal it when everyone leaves." Kelsey plots. "That is such a good idea Kelsey!". A hour passes and everyone is gone. They come out from underneath the tables and walk towards the prize counter and take the big fat among us. "Wait" Perla says. "How about we stay here longer? ". Before Kelsey could respond they hear something and drop the big fat among us and quickly hide in the ball pit."Now that Helens asleep, we can finally be alone." a squeaky voice says."finally, I mean ehehehehe" a low voice responds."Is that Sans from Undertale?!" Kelsey whispers. Perla shrugs. They peak over the ball pit and see Chuck E Cheese and Sans kiss. Before they could say anything they quickly ran out of the ball pit in to the play place. "What was that noise?" Chuck E said. "Don't worry about it Chuck E boo, I mean ehehehehe" Sans replied. They then go to sit at a table with a single candle lighting up their faces, giving off romantic vibe. "This was supposed to be out date!" Kelsey whispers. "Yeah!" Perla whispers back. "I have a plan.." Kelsey says. She then whispers her plan to Perla's ear. "You're looking very hot tonight Sans" Chuck E says trying to flirt  to Sans. "This pizza tastes like caca" Sans interrupts. "How dare you insult my caca pizza, you hurt my feelings.". Before Sans could respond Perla and Kelsey jump Chuck E and Sans. While they were being attacked, they heard faint footsteps coming toward them. it was Helen. "HELEN! I can explain" Chuck E protests. "WE'RE DONE CHUCK E" Helen replies. " I THOUGHT YOU WHERE SINGLE! I MEAN EHEHEHEHE" Sans interrupts. While they fought Perla and Kelsey take the table Sans and Chuck E used and carried on with their date.

Perla and Kelsey go on a romantic Chuck E Cheese dateWhere stories live. Discover now