Ignore Those 6

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I rock back and forth from my heels to my toes in the elevator. I'm nervous about today. After Dane stopped the...whatever that was, I ran to my office and called an Uber. I've spent the entire weekend flopping between full-fledged panic and rabid fantasy.

One minute I can't stop myself from freaking out about the potential fallout from our almost indiscretion. Then with the next breath, I'm thinking about his strong grip on me, his soft lips against mine.

I've got it so bad, it's pathetic.

I was able to try to fake it and stare at him from across the research table for the first week but after a few moments spent in his grasp, his chest pressed to mine, and I'm unraveling.

We can't have a relationship. He is my superior, my mentor. If I slept with him and anyone found out I would be trashed. Everyone would see me as the woman who slept with a senior associate, a man that has a vote, when the time comes, about whether or not I am offered a senior associate position. It would be seen as an impropriety, as lewd and lascivious conduct in the workplace.

While Dane might be reprimanded, he is the senior member, at most he would probably receive a slap on the wrist. Behind closed doors, the guys would most likely laud him as a hero for nailing the new chick.

This cannot continue. Dane was right to stop things before they progressed. When I see him I'll make sure that he knows that our moment of irresponsibility won't ever happen again.

The elevator opens on the third floor and I walk quickly toward my office. Hunter steps out of his office and looks at me with his usual disdain.

"Meeting with the partners in ten," he says before turning back into his office.

"Thanks," I say to no one. Sarcasm aside I actually appreciate him telling me. Normally he looks at me like a bug, scoffs, then leaves. I'm not sure, but I don't think he likes that I'm here.

I take a moment in my office to compose myself. I know that I'm only minutes away from seeing Dane and I need to remain focused and professional.

Just don't look at his lips.

Or his eyes.

Or his arms... or chest.


I run my hands over my skirt, smoothing out any wrinkles. I'm really just stalling, my skirt is fine. I take one last deep breath before stepping out of my office.

Hunter is waiting at the elevator when I get there. We stand silently, side by side until it opens. I'm met with jade eyes and perfectly styled dark hair.

I should have taken the stairs.

I step in and try to steady myself. I know he is behind me, inches away.

"How was your weekend?" Hunter asks him. So, this asshole knows how to make small talk, just not with me, noted.

"Fine, you?" Danes' voice vibrates behind me.

"Good, same." Hunter answers, "how's the Rapsicore case?"

"Deposing today. We're ready," I feel him shift behind me, "How are you, Jolie? How was your weekend?"

"It was fine, thanks," I turn around slightly. I don't want to make eye contact with him.

The elevator opens and we all shuffle out. The door to the small, private conference room on the fifth floor is propped open.

We are the last to enter. I quickly take the last seat on one side of the table. The other side has two open chairs. With my luck, I would have had to sit right next to him. I need the physical distance.

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