Chapter 7: Banishment

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I couldn't tell anyone about this. The talk me and Ben had that night; no one would ever hear a word of it. That is, unless a reason to bring it up occurs.

It was the day of Ben's banishing. I fucking hated it.

Everyone's work that day was done with a bland expression. No one liked to watch banishments. We all knew what they ended in every time, and each time, it wasn't pretty. 

I asked Alby that morning if I could sit this one out. reluctantly, he agreed. 

Me and Ben had been close since the second we met. We came up around the same time; I was there a month earlier. Alby had put me in charge of watching after Ben. All I was required to do was make sure he didn't go in the maze and knew to get along with whatever was going on with the Gladers, but in that time, we became really close.

It started off with just eating meals together. Then, we started to sneak out late together to talk more. Soon enough we were getting into all sorts of trouble together. No one knew us as well as we knew each other. On those extra hard nights where you don't want to make it, we were there for each other every minute.

So to think that in 24 hours he'd be gone? I still couldn't process it. It was all like a fever dream.

For the rest of the day, I chose to do all the cooking. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I needed  a distraction from the day. Fry said he'd take care of it all and I could just relax for the day but there was no way I'd be able to do anything but think of Ben. 

To be honest, maybe it wasn't such a good idea for me to cook that day, cause I was still thinking of Ben while cooking. I accidently cut myself multiple times, undercooked some meals, overcooked others, and some of the guy got sick after dinner but were fine by morning.

"August?" A gentle voice called for me. 

Chuck had come to get me for the banishment. I wasn't going to help with it, but I wasn't going to miss it either. I wanted to see him one last time before he left.

"Coming, gimme a sec will ya?"

"Sure, I'll be outside."

I turned off the water and dumped the remaining food that wouldn't be preserved. I took a deep breath, trying to mentally prepare myself for what was to come.

When I stepped outside, I was Thomas was with Chuck. Great. Fucking great.

I hated him. I didn't want to be anywhere near him. I didn't want to talk to him nor see him nor hear him. 

We all made our way to the wall. Of course, this is where he starts asking questions.

"What's gonna happen?" "Why do they all have polls?" "Is Ben gonna be alright."

I couldn't take it. I snapped.

"Shut up! Okay? Just shut your fucking mouth. You'll find out soon enough you don't need the answers to everything just yet you got that! I don't want to hear another peep come out of you dumbass!"

He looked to chuck, shocked, then looked back at me and nodded. I huffed loudly and made my way closer to the circle as I saw them dragging Ben into it.

He looked worse. So much worse. 

His  eyes were black, veins black, skin pale. His voice was deep and gurgled. He sounded like a monster. His sobs were the worst to hear. He was absolutely defeated and you could hear it with every plea he made to be let free.

Ben was stumbling around, barely able to stay on his feet. He was being swarmed by everyone and he knew what was coming for him.

The walls start to move. They're closing. Then all the guys lower their sticks and bring them closer to Ben.

He was running in circles trying to find a way out, but no one would make room for him. The walls were growing closer and closer to shutting. Ben was inches from being between them. 

Then he saw me.

Our eyes met. And he started screaming my name between sobs. He'd given up on yelling to everyone else. Now all he'd beg for was me.


That was it, I couldn't take it. I broke down sobbing right there in front of everyone. I didn't notice my feet moving till I felt the struggling of being pushed back by other Gladers. 

I reached as close as I could to get to him. I didn't want to lose him. I didn't. I was screaming for him. Yelling identical plea's for him.


Before I could get to him, the walls got too close. His choices were slimmed to only two.

Be crushed...

or run into the maze.

He chose the latter.

When he had made it inside the sliding walls, he turned back to watch, still screaming and crying for help. I looked him in the eye till his face couldn't be seen through the thick concrete between us.

Everything went quiet. No one talked, not even Thomas. The only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of feet shuffling through the grass, making their way back to homestead.

Gally passed by me and pat me on the shoulder. It was a small jester but I needed it, especially from him. Anyone else and it would've felt like pity. From him it felt genuine. A "if you need anyone I'm here for you" type feeling.

That night I couldn't get myself to fall asleep, so I went and sat by the wall. I knew it was stupid to hope he'd make it, but I had to see for myself to be sure.

When morning came and the walls opened up, he was no where to be found.

Ben was dead.

A/N: I promise the rest of the story starts after this, but I really liked how I started this fic so I wanted to stick with it all the way through. I hope you like it and I promise the story is no where close to finished so be on the lookout! <3

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