Tecon gets his First Client(012)

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Tecon Manreth was just sitting on his chair as Tsumugi was licking on Lollipops again as a person then came inside the Office. "Yo what's up!" The Man said as he got into the office and faced Tecon Tecon looked at him with a smile. "Hey Buddy! You're our First Ever Client! Wow!" He said as he continued to smile as Tsumugi watched from afar, continuing to lick on her Lolipop as The Man went around, looking around and stuff. "Shit man, your office is so empty, you have family Photos and shit but that's all." As Tecon stood nervous. "Well, what are you here for?" He said as the man kept looking around the family photos. "Holy shit, is that your father?" He said as he showed him a Photo of Tecon at Young age and his father, incredibly old as Tecon looked at him weirdly.

"Yeah.....He's a great person." He said as the man puts down the Photo where it originally belong. "What are you here for?" Tecon asked Nicely, he is trying to seem Nice. This is his first Client and he does need to make some quick Bucks so. "Well, shit dude... I'm here because your Girlfriend over here talked about you dude." The Man said, he was wearing a top hat and while the top part is fancy...the rest of his clothes are plain...it could be described as some Junkie who tried some Methamphetamine and got addicted.

"W...What do you mean girlfriend?" Tecon asked as the Man looked at her,Tsumugi who was...Eyeing him. "Dude! She talks about you a lot! You gotta shoot your shot man! Only two years diff-" he was immediately interrupted as Tsumugi stood up. "Ahem, Why don't you start with your name? Tsumugi said with a huge smile, Tecon was incredibly troubled by this.

" aw man, You not gonna let me finish?" He said as Tsumugi kept staring at him while smiling. "Alright...Look....My name is Chuck Wellington, My great grandfather is the Inventor of Bread dude!" Tsumugi looked at Tecon as Tecon was incredibly troubled by him."....is his great grandfather really....?"

"No, He just likes to think that....but he did use to be a big part of this one...huge..Criminal Organization before it went under." Tsumugi said as she whispered it under his ears. "What is it you two are talking about Broskis?" Chuck said as Tsumugi looked at Chuck. "Nothing...So what are you here for?" Tsumugi said as she smiled.

"Oh...well...You know...ive been caught smoking...a dope you know what im saying?" Chuck said as Tecon Manreth looked around. "Yeah...im already convinced by that." Tecon says as he sat on the desk. "And im guessing,you want out of it?"

"Yeah Man....do your magic thing yo! You're a lawyer man! I want out of it! Im serving no jail for nobody! Ever!" Chuck said that,he was pretty confident as Tecon mustered up the Confidence and looked at him with a smile. "Ill get you out no time!" Tecon said as he looked at Tsumugi and Gestured her to Sit down,write a note. "Alright,we need to get this clear...what were you smoking?"

"Man i dunno,i was just smoking Marijuana... but the Officers told me they found Meth in my Van yo." Chuck said as Tecon smirked and looked around. "Okay...so you are saying you were just smoking Marijuana and the officers arrested you because they did a car search on your van and found what was supposed to be Methamphetamine? Is that correct?" Tecon said as Chuck sat down and was looking at Tsumugi who kept writing down stuff and looked at Tecon who then went over and sat down. "yeah man..."

"Alright...well Methamphetamine is a strong illegal drug, they're obviously gonna take you seriously and ill make sure to get you out of it." Chuck eyes widened and put his hands on the desk. "Don't put your hands on the desk-"

"You do? You gonna get me out of it! Holy shit dude! That's amazing!" Chuck said with a huge smile on his face,he is already celebrating like he just got out,however his celebration is shortly lived as Tsumugi immediately interrupted "Wait wait...We need to talk Fees...Establish the Attorney-Client Relationship...We need to talk Money." she had just finished up with the Lolipop, he then looked at Tecon as Tecon was also looking at Tsumugi and just looked at him. "You know...She's Right."

After hearing that Chuck looked at him and was greatly dissapointed, "Aw Man! Why can't you be like that lawyer dude who doesn't take crap from his Client man!"

"Well because One...that Lawyer doesn't even exist and two i got my problems okay?" Tecon said as Chuck continued to be dissapointed. "Look man...im poor as hell." Chuck said as he looked down and puts his hands on his knees. "Hold on, isn't your great grandfather an inventor of Bread? I feel like you might atleast have money to your name..." Tsumugi said,Chuck now felt compelled to pay as Tecon could guess that by the Body Language.

Chuck always has a pride for his great grandfather being an inventor of Bread...so it would make sense to attack him there to make him pay....Tecon had realized that and decided to nod,improvising upon Tsumugi's Words "Yeah man...Look Methamphetamine is a serious crime...you need to pay some Serious Cash for this...." Tecon said as Chuck then just gave up. "Fine...how much do you want!"

"About five hundre-"

"Five thousand dollars." Tsumugi said,interrupting Tecon. "five thousand dollars...take it or leave it." Chuck was really dissapointed. "Man...Cmon cut me some slack...yo...i only have about a thousand dollar in My Pocket..." Chuck said as Tsumugi stood up,walked over to the desk and put her hand on the Table as she looked towards Chuck. "Look at me." Chuck said as he looked up to Tsumugi. "Five thousands dollars....take it...or leave it." She said Politely,Tecon had just been sitting down as Chuck looked around. "Look...ill get you the Money.....just keep me out of the Jail alright?" Chuck looked at Tecon.

Tecon nodded. "That will be acceptable...but you better make sure to Pay it after Trial alright?" Tecon said with a smile.

"I will." Chuck said. "Ill get you...the Money....i swear...man.." Chuck said as Tecon got up and offered a handshake with Chuck as Chuck nervously stood up and shook hands with him and then with Her,chuck then left. He now has a client to defend. "Have a Nice Day!" He said while Chuck was about to be out of the door.

Tecon then looked at Tsumugi as Tsumugi looked at him. "I feel bad about that...y'know considering he is poor and all..." Tsumugi went close to him. "Oh cmon,You have to recognize your worth...besides you should have to take care of yourself...." Tecon looked down as she was saying all of that and after she had said that,he looked towards her. "Yeah but...Fighting for Justice and Defending innocent people like him...i mean all he did was smoke weed and he looked to be in his 20s...." Tecon turned around

"....Fighting for Justice and defending Innocent People is good but you have to care of yourself Tecon,You have to reap the possible success you can get no matter the cost! it's all about winning tecon and we have to win Tecon..." Tecon looked towards her again. "...Do i have to pay you? I mean...id have to pay you in half i mean-"

"No need,you can pay me later when we start getting alot of Money,i can handle myself anyways." Tsumugi smiled as Tecon looked outside the office and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "You want one?"  He offered to Tsumugi as Tsumugi shook her head out. "alright,ill see you soon." Tecon said as he went outside,lit the cigarette and started to smoke.

Tecon was looking around,it was in the middle of the night. He later looked around and saw a black car,after he looked at the black car for several seconds,the Car immediately drove away,in which Tecon found it weird...was somebody...spying on Him???

Film Ends here.

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