Part 1:

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Mads:hey char wake up or your going to be late
Charli:what time is it
Mads: 6:00
Charli: 6:00!!! Oh no I only have 30 mins to get ready why didn't you wake me up sooner
Mads:I've been trying to wake you up for the last 2 hours
Charli:great I don't even have time to get coffee
Mads:problem solved
Charli:what do you mean
Mads: I just texted addi she already on her way up with Dixie and ness with coffee
Charli:thank goodness I dead tired
Dixie:hey guys Charli you look tired
Mads:she is
Addison : why?
Charli: cuz the boys would not stop texting in the group chat kept me up all night
Nessa:same their so annoying some times
With the boys
Jaden:hey last nights party was lit
Josh: for real bro hey we're are all the other guys
Jaden:don't know
Jaden checks his phone
Bryce:we had to leave have a test
Turns off his phone
Josh:well now we know where they are
Jaden:wanna listen to music

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