"this is what best mates do"

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"Give it up for Three Days Grace!!" The mc said as Louis stood backstage, hands quivering, shaking. "Louis mate, are you alright" Niall asked look as if he was going to laugh "yeah mate, splendid, just a little nervous" He said making eye contact with Harry who was slickly checking him out while bitting his bottom lip. As the other band members walked away, Harry stayed behind, staring at Louis with a slight glimpse of lust perking through his eye. As soon as the backstage door closed Harry grabbed Louis face and gently pressed his lips against Louis. Louis felt pure bliss as the lips he as been craving all day were finally meshed together with his. moaning into the kiss, Harry reached his veiny arm around Louis neck, drawing him impossibly closer. The two moved against each other, their lips moving in sync as their tongues fought for dominance. In this moment the entire world faded away, the only thing that mattered in this moment was them, and their love for each other. As they broke away to breathe, the only feeling Louis felt at this moment was love and trust and happiness for harry,  and harry felt the exact way about Louis. They both stood there smiling at each other like fools when Liam walked in " ok mates were on in-" He suddenly paused. " wtf is going on here" He asked staring the two boys who were close to each other " just giving him a pep talk before the show to ease his jitters" Harry responded suddenly pulling away from the sea green eyed boy, but soon pulling him back, and relaxing at feeing his body heat. "ok whatever, were going on soon mates lets go" Liam said as he walked back out the door, Larry following. before harry could make it to the door, Louis  pulled him back. "Harry darling, what was the kiss for " Louis asked, not mad, just confused" well you were stressed and i'm your best mate, and thats what best mates do" he replied. seeing Louis disappointed face, he leaned in closer after looking around the room and whispered in Louis ear " and besides, I've been craving you all day, but well do more about that when we get home" he added before placing a gentle kiss on Louis's lips.



I am not from the uk and other place like that so excuse me if my take on 

You're My Passion, Not My Purpose ~ H.S-L.TWhere stories live. Discover now