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Gina ( a nurse ) that worked for a Long time at Sunny Hospital,she was assigned to a new patient that was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy,Ellie is 53 years old.
Ellie : my mom died 9 years ago when she was 51 years old diagnosed with the same illness at the age of 36 because it cannot be cured
Gina : I'm sorry to hear that...I'm your nurse Gina,I'll be taking care of you.
Ellie : your so beautiful and young,you look so healthy mom got this illness which makes me have it too when I was 29 years old
Gina : Thankyou , we will try our best ( helps her up to her bed )
Ellie : I got transferred from another hospital because my illness got worser and worser , will I die Gina ?
Ellie knows that her life will end soon as her illness had came to the most dangerous stage.
Gina : ( tries to changes the topic ) Miss Ellie , are you you want any food , drinks ?
Ellie : WILL I DIE ( burst to tears )
Gina : ( tried to comfort her )
Ellie : ( cries and cries )
Ellie hates her dad as her dad divorced with her mom because he didn't want to take care of her mom anymore and also because of the money situation
At that same evening,Ellie started to act really strange...
Ellie : Gina , can you get me a cup of water , warm not cold
Gina : yes of course ( went to pour a cup of water for her )
Gina : here you go
Ellie : Thankyou ( takes a sip )
a few moments later
Ellie : I don't want to drink anymore , can you walk me to the window seat
Gina : ( hmmm ) umm yea sure
( walk Ellie to the window seat )
10 minutes later
Ellie : I'm done I don't wanna stay here anymore...I am tired,Gina can you take me back to my bed . I want to rest

The next morning...Gina went back to Ellie's room , Gina thought Ellie was still asleep so went to wake her up so she could eat her medicine but little does she knows...she died already she was as cold as a ice cube . Gina tried to wake her up but saw the screen...her heartbeat didn't move for a long time and the monitor didn't make a sound at all and end up seeing a dead body lying on the bed...
Gina :! DOCTOR COME TO ROOM 231 PLEASE A PATIENT'S HEARTBEAT STOPPED !!!!!!!! ( she called out )
Doctor came rushing in,trying to do CPR
Doctor 1 : quick get the electric shock !
But It was no use...Ellie died already
Doctor 1 announced : Patient 231 dead time 9:43 am , Tuesday February 4th 2022
They covered Ellie with the white sheet and called the pathologist to take her away
Gina sat down on the corner of the room crying.
Gina : why...why does the world have to be so cruel!?She is only 53 years old ! I'm sorry Ellie...I owe you one...I should've just check on you every 10 minutes instead of every 20 minutes!  ( Gina faints )
A voice suddenly whispers  'just wait and see Gina'

The following day Gina woke up from a 18 hours of sleep,Nurse Bailey was next to her asking 'how are you?'
Gina asked what happened and Bailey explained everything to her. Gina said 'Bailey I thought I heard a voice I was still not fully asleep yet ! I heard a small voice whispering to me.Would that be dead Ellie or Her mom..?
Bailey : I don't think so?Now the most important thing is for you to rest
Suddenly A sharp voice screamed that cutted their conversation
Bailey : I've got to check on it,just stay here and rest I'll be back as soon as possible. ( runs quickly )
Some Doctors and Nurses including Bailey ran to the room,they couldn't believe what they saw...A PATIENT WAS FLOATING IN THE AIR MUMBLING SOMETHING
Doctor Ryan : OK everybody stay calm.Rain and Yasmin go check on the other patients in this level .Bailey and I will go check on the kids on the 3rd level the others just keep on going up to check NOW
Doctors and nurses  : Yes
As expected more and more patient was doing the same thing..
People think they were possessed by some kind of demon. Everyone in the hospital was freaking out ! Gina heard everything and was thinking why this thing happened
She heard a evil laughter and the voice whispers 'yes darling,told you to wait and see!'
But when she look back there was no one behind her,she thought to herself (I swear I heard something!)
She was really confused and scared at the same time.
At that time...the hospital was a mess and people were running and every minute a person would die.

From this nice and decent hospital turned to a complete nightmare.It was like a graveyard as people dies.It was filled with tears and screams.

In the afternoon when Gina was resting as the Nurses and Doctors told her to while eating her lunch Bailey brought her she saw a scary shadow.It was was moving around the hospital,the shadow was following Bailey.Gina was very scared and at that moment...Bailey died.Gina knew it was some kind of soul and she started to think it was Ellie and Her mom that is messing around.

The voice called out very loudly that time...Gina said 'that is it I am coming for you soul' ( holding a knife ) but when Gina look back she only saw a woman with blood dripping from head to have big round red eyes.A slim body The shirt was covered with scratches and blood print.She wanted to fight it and shout as loud as she can but unfortunately the soul covered her mouth and lastly the voice ended with a single world 'Revenge.'

Ellie was born in a rich family and wanted to get revenge it was actually because when her mom was in the same hospital with the same illness a evil doctor that once worked there didn't take good care of her mom as he wanted to steal her moms jewels.When it was at night the evil doctor turned off the monitor of the heart beat so no one would hear it when her mom was dying.He was in her moms room the whole entire time,when her mom died he stole all of the things that was worth of money and ran away.The next morning when her mom died Ellie noticed that her purse was stolen.And Ellie was a Detective so she was finding evidence for her whole life even when she was sick and finally knew what really happened.

The End.

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