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After they finish their sandwich they notice that they've been trapped for hours and they begin to worry. Hours pass by and no one tries to help rescue them. Their phones are dead and they can't call for help. There wasn't any chargers either for them to use. As more hours passed it started getting dark and they realized they were gonna be there all night, even all weekend. They end up falling asleep. Bentley wakes up it the middle of the night to Sam very close to him. Bentley grabs a blanket from the corner and covers him and Sam up with the blanket.

Sam wakes up an hour later, confused because when he fell asleep he didn't have a blanket. He snuggles up to Bentley a little more and wrapped his arms around him. Bentley melts into sams arms and they both are sleeping together.

Two boys in a closet Where stories live. Discover now