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I was laying in my room that I shared with Eleven when I felt her crawling into my bed. The thing is that me and Eleven had been dating for the past two months but we haven't told anyone because we're afraid of what they might think of us.

We were ready to come out when we enter seventh grade but at the end of the day we backed down being too afraid so whenever we were alone we foul cuddle and just stay in bed together.

"Dime for your thoughts?" I hear Eleven saying to me as she looks up at me.

"I just I think I'm ready to tell them that we're dating I can't handle the thought of people thinking your single for them to ask you out" I mumbled to her since she was at my hearing reach.

"Yeah I understand and I think I'm ready to we just need help as to how and when" she says and she's right she always is.

"What about Josie? She came out as Pansexual and look at her no one tells her anything maybe she could help" I say looking down at her she has a smile on her lips and nods her head.



After Alexandra left Hopes door I had already changed and I was just putting my old clothes inside my bag. I began to walk towards my phone before going to the door. Yet again I was stopped mid way.

"This was fun maybe we can do it again another time?" Hope asks me looking at me.

"Yeah totally" I whisper at her.

We both lean in and let a small peck on each other's lips I said my goodbyes before walking out and then after that I started running towards my classroom and I made it just in time. I didn't even look who I sat next to and boy was that a big mistake.

"Are does hickeys on your neck?" Malia whisper yells at me making me shoot my eyes towards her I look around to see that no one was looking at us.

"Can you not. Seriously a vampire could of heard you" I tell her before moving my hair trying to hide my neck from her. She only laughed before she began doing her test again.

This text took us longer then the last one but this would determined if we should have ap classes or not and I really wanted to have at least one class with my father. I fell asleep twice but somehow managed to finish the test just in time. We all waited until he told us that we could leave. I was putting away my stuff when I felt arms being drop behind me hugging me from behind.


It's Landon.

"Hi Land" I say as I stand up making him let go of me I see Malia looking at me with a confused look before she motions to her phone.

"Where were you I was looking for you everywhere?" He asks me pulling me out of my trance.

"I was at the old mill I had to blow off some steam so I went out there to cut some wood in half" I said as I shrugged my shoulders like it was nothing.

"Oh that makes sense" he mumbled I only nodded before I started walking away not even five minutes and he was already next to me.

"Son any plans tonight?" He asks me I look to see Hope standing next to a classroom door with a glare being thrown in Landon's direction.

"Uh yeah I promise I would spend some time with my parents" I know I know lieing is bad but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. "Another night maybe?" He only smiles before leaning down to kiss me I kiss him back but I couldn't make it last longer then five seconds. "See you around".

I was sitting in my room when I heard a knock at my door I put my pencil to the side before getting up and walking towards the door getting ready to open it and when I did I saw Hope standing there with her signature smirk. I move to the side to let her walk by when she did I closed the door making sure to lock it.

"What brings you to my room Mikaelson?" I ask her as I sit back down in my chair.

"What did Landon want? And was it necessary to kiss him in front of me" she says clearly irritated.

"He asked me if I had plans tonight I made up a lie told him I had to spend some time with my parents which I should probably do that" I say mostly to myself.

I hear her hum at my answer before I'm being pulled back in into my notes I forget she was even there. I was going through some of the notes I took making sure that's everything was written right when I felt my chair being pulled away from the desk soon Hope sat on top of me both legs to my sides before she made me look up at her.

"Maybe you need a distraction from all the work you've been doing" she whispers.

Our faces where so close our nose where touching I again didn't know what to say but quickly came up with something.

"Would you help me get distracted love?" I ask her as I brush my lips against her before I pull her closer by the waist.

She didn't wait a second after that and smashed our lips together. After this I'm pretty sure she's the one who'll be in control most of the time. I pick her up before I move us towards the bed. I lay her down before I start to work my way down her neck. I found her soft spot and I'm quickly to start sucking on it making sure to leave a mark I know that with her being a tribrid and all will make them fade away but at least they'll be there for a couple of hours. She hums in satisfaction and I kiss my way back to her lips.

Before we could go any further there was yet another knock at my door we waited a few seconds hoping whoever was on the other side to leave or something but they didn't which made me groan.

"Can you see who it is? Yk with your werewolf side and all" I ask her she nods her head before looking at the door.

"It's Landon with a tray of food and movies" it's all she says.

"Maybe if we stay really quite he'll go away" I whisper before pulling her back by the neck. She flipped out our positions so she was now on top of me.

I might be a virgin but that doesn't mean I didn't search up a few ideas. So whenever it happens I'll be ready for it I suppose that's better since I never got the sex talk from neither of my parents thank god for that. That would of made our relationship really awkward.

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