Chapter 4:The Coincidence

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        The Morrelia Hill.One of the places where Mallory went to ,,clear her mind,, . She liked it there.That day,she went there.Most people would go with their cars,or their bikes but Mallory went on feet.It took her some time to get there,but it was worth it!The beatufile view,the clear air,the calming sound of the wind,a heaven on earth. She sat on the green grass.She started writing her journal,where she could express her feelings of the day.When out of nowhere,Klark came.He sat  down next to her.
,,Hello,,-said Klark
,,Hi,what are you doing here,,
,,Came here for a little relaxing time,I needed it.You?,,
They stood there in an awkward silence for 7 minutes.
,,How did you tell me that,in class?You were very far away in the back when I heard you like you were right infront of me?,,
,,Tell you what?,,
,,That it wasn't a problem that I stared at you,,
,,You were staring at me?,,
,,Just for a little,I'm sorry if it weirded you out,it's just,you and your siblings look interesting. That's why I stared. I'm so sorry!,,
,,No worries,you weren't the first person staring that day,,
,,Who do people stare at you like that qt school.I have noticed that they give you the strangest looks!,,
,,Well,it has been a rocky year for me.9 months ago my dad died,and it was very hard on me.I saw my mom for the first time in 12 years after she abandoned me.My dad also remarried a horrible woman,who gave me an amazing little sister. Let's just say,life hasn't been the best for me lately,,
,,I'm so sorry!,,
,,Don't be,it's not your fault,,

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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