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Hyunjin was fully aware of the boy following him. It was, of course, no other than the little rat he just beat up in the toilet last week. He started following him ever since he got off the bus 15 minutes ago, and from the corner of Hyunjin's eye he could see the little rat sweating and struggling, trying to keep up with him walking faster and faster.

Well...he does look cute when he sweats. Hyunjin smirked and went up to Minho and Seungmin, who had been waiting for him at the entrance of the school.


Seeing Hyunjin hugging the two boys made Jeongin terribly jealous. Again. It wasn't easy being Hyunjin's stalker, knowing that he had so many friends that were all much closer with Hyunjin than he was.

For the past week, other than stalking Hyunjin, he also looked a bit into the people around Hyunjin. Well, maybe more than a bit. There were the student council committees, which he already knew about. There was also the basketball team, photography club, dance club members, and of course everyone from Hyunjin's class.
Why is Hyunjin in so many clubs? It makes him really difficult to keep up with.

But what concerned him most was this Jisung was the dance club. He was a transfer student, meaning he was new just like him. But somehow he was lucky enough to be in the same class as Hyunjin, and he also got into the basketball team. He's also really cute...unlike Jeongin himself. The Jisung person managed to befriend Hyunjin in the last three months and they've been really close recently, along with another third-year from the dance club called Minho.


After school ended, Jeongin rushed to the school's hall, because Hyunjin had a dance competition today. Class ended late, so when he arrived, some people were already on stage practicing. Down stage, the hall was already packed with people, all coming to see the Hwang Hyunjin dance.

Suddenly, girls started screaming while pointing at the entrance to the hall. Jeongin turned around and almost immediately stopped breathing.

There he was, an angel-like Hyunjin in his all white dance-wear. His beautiful blonde hair was tied up loosely in a ponytail and strands of hair fell over his sharp eyes, making him look more fragile than he usually was. The white suit he was wearing fit exactly with his body, emphasizing his tiny waist and long legs.

Jeongin started blushing furiously and he would probably have started drooling too if he hadn't seen the Jisung person wrap his arm around Hyunjin's shoulder. "Hyunjinnie~Today's the selection! If we qualify to represent our school in the duet category we could..." Jisung's excited voice trailed off as the pair walked towards the stage. His smile was really adorable and charming, making girls squeal, and Jeongin's heart sink.

They were in white and black, simple but elegant. Jeongin could only focus on Hyunjin's gorgeous stance and was enjoying the performance a lot, until he saw Hyunjin's hand wrap around Jisung's slim waist. Yes he was aware it was a duet and they had to touch each other at some point, but since when was he fine with Hyunjin touching anyone?

Just when he was gonna rush on stage and pull Jisung away, he spotted Hyunjin glaring at him from the stage. He was still dancing beautifully and his blonde hair was glimmering under the spotlight, but his eyes were staring straight at Jeongin, as if he knew what the boy was going to do and was threatening him to stay where he was.

As always, Jeongin was weak for Hyunjin, not to mention the way he was staring at him. He fell back into his chair, spending the rest of the time admiring Hyunjin's dancing and automatically filtering Jisung out whenever he was in the same frame as Hyunjin.

When the performance ended, Jisung immediately rushed down to the stage, earning gasps from the many girls around him. He ran towards Jeongin...the person next to Jeongin. That's when Jeongin realised he was sitting next to Lee Minho, who was also apparently the president of the dance club.

"Honey~~I did well didn't I!" "Yeah yeah..."
Now he's even more jealous of Han Jisung. He got to dance with Hyunjin, and he has a hot boyfriend who cuddles with him.

When will Hyunjin ever cuddle him like this.

helpfjjrck I'm running out of ideas already lmfao

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