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Hi it's your author here I was looking through this story and honestly it was really bad. Not only did I write it on mobile but there were so many spelling mistakes and the book is really badly written as I was in middle school when I wrote it. With so many mistakes and a really quick moving plot I have decided I will be rewriting this book along with a few other books. I have some great ideas now that I am older and I believe that with my knowledge in writing after taking college level English in 11th and 12th grade for the IB program and passing with flying colors, (and a former English teacher turned librarian mother),  the rewrite will hopefully be a lot better with a better paced and thought out plot, better formatting as I will be on computer, and better spelling and grammar. So yeah be on the look out for the rewrite which will hopefully be happening soon. I will be leaving this book up for anyone who wants to read it and hopefully the next one will be much better with an actual plot as this book was written on a whim and I had now plans for the plot. 

Also be on the look out for a few new books I have been writing in my spare time and am really excited for. Some books will be short stories and other long with many characters and chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2022 ⏰

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