Ken Ryuguji - Hair

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Let's see.
Paper. Check
Pen. Check
Books. Check
Proper clothes. Check

I have a really important meeting to get to so I am just doing a final check of all my things.

I checked my watched, 20 minutes left. Okay, if I leave now I can make it in 10 minutes. Now where was I? Oh yes...

Presentation. I'll practice on the way.

Extra copies. Check

Hair...... Shit!

I didn't do my hair!!
It looks like I just woke up. Was I messing with it so much?!

Should I just brush it out and leave it loose? No it will get in my way. Should I braid it? But the time...

"Kya!" I squealed when I felt something on my head. It was Draken, brushing my hair in a fast yet gentle way. A few seconds later my hair was perfectly done. I can still make it to the meeting.

"There, all done" he said after he pecked my lips. "Thank you Ken. I don't know what I would do without you"

"Hmm. I don't know, maybe go with messed up hair to an important meeting?" he mocked with a playful smirk.

"Meanie", I pouted, "I have to go now Ken. I'll be back in an hour. I'll do your hair next time" I promised.

"Sure. Try now to add hair clips and bows this time"

"You always say that but you never stop me" I giggled.

"Because it makes you happy", he came closer, "But the bows look best on you"

"I wanna say something but I'm going to be late. See you" I waved and ran out.

Draken POV

The only reason i made her hair like was to hide the marks I left on her neck. Looks like she forgot about it.

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