Chapter 3: The Lake Of Flesh

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Leo woke up, the hunters had given him a room for him to stay until they were sure he was safe, he could take care of himself he didn't need the help of anyone especially hunters. He got dressed into a hoodie and jeans and walked downstairs where he presumed all of them would be. When he didn't find anybody he raised an eyebrow but was not concerned, thinking they were just out on a mission and would be back soon enough. He lazily sat down and looked at the clock, he was bored out of his mind; he couldn't even go to work. His legs were dangling over the chair as he was now upside down. "This is some bullshit." He muttered under his breath, still looking at the clock on the wall. He could hear the small tick tock tick tock's of the clock as each second and each minute went by.

Rory: Can I take a look at that pendant?
Aaron: Sure.
Rory: *examines it* This belongs to Lilith.
Mannie: The mother of demons?
Rory: Yes.
Jackal: Well I'll be damned, what's that doing here?

Lilith: It's so nice of you to have found it for me, now hand it over.
Rory: Lilith *bows*
Lilith: Hello Agatheos.
Jackal: Agatheos?
Rory: What? Did you really think Rory was my name? We demons just use them for cover.
Jackal: Ah I see.
Lilith: Now, the pendant. Somebody had the audacity to come to my chambers and steal from me, next thing I know they have used it to kill other beings.
Rory: Then do you know who it is?
Lilith: If I did then would I be here right now? *takes her pendant* Thank you.
Aaron: Wait a minute, you still have to explain why it was here?
Lilith: My pendant is a cursed piece of jewelry, it contains power no mortal or being would be able to control. And so, whoever had been using it knew what they were doing. But now that I have it back I'm leaving.
Rory: Where are you going?
Lilith: Where else? You know I don't like staying too long in the mortal world, ugh....
Jackal: Why the frown, mate?
Lilith: That day-walker is such a problem, why keep him around?
Rory: Don't worry about him, we have it under control.
Lilith: Ah yes, I almost forgot you care about that mutt. Can't believe you have a soft spot for it.
Rory: *snarls* Watch your tone Lilith.
Lilith: Who do you think you're talking to? Should I teach a lesson?
Rory: So you can lose again? Let's not forget why they call me ο αντεροβγάλτης της κόλασης.
Lilith: *backs away*
Jackal: Wait, is she scared of you?
Mannie: What did you say to her?
Lilith: Fine, but you stay away from me, I am the mother of demons after all.
Rory: Yeah sure, whatever you say.

*Lilith vanishes*

Rory: Now that we're done with that, what should we do next?
Aaron: Tell us anything you know about that pendant, since it belongs to Lilith it can't be anything good.
Rory: Sure thing.

Mannie: Leo! We're home-what.....
Leo: *floating* Hey there, where did you guys go?
Rosaline: This place is organized, did you do this?
Leo: Yes, how do you guys live like this? It's insane.
Mannie: Where are my things?
Leo: In the same place, just organized I didn't move anything.
Mannie: Okay good.
Jackal: So do you just do that on command or how does it work?
Leo: I just do it whenever I feel like it. It is pretty useful when you're trying to clean this maze of a house you guys live in.
Jackal: Hey! Don't insult our home, it has feelings.
Leo: What is wrong with you?
Rosaline: Don't mind him.
Mannie: I'm gonna make us some lunch, can't think of an empty stomach you know. *goes to kitchen*
Aaron: So tell us Rory, what do you know about the pendant.
Rory: As you know is a piece of cursed jewelry, it has powers not many can control. But if you do know what you are doing then it can become quite a dangerous weapon. It could kill millions. The pendant is not the only cursed jewelry, there are other objects that aren't necessary jewelry.
Rosaline: So how do we find this whoever this is? How do we know they won't try doing it again, the vampires want answers.
Jackal: All this started after Balthazar attacked that village, maybe he's the one behind this.
Rory: He wouldn't do such a thing, this is something else.
Jackal: What the hell is it then?
Rory: I'm not sure, is hiding from us.

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