Deleted Balcony Scene:

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"Emelene," he says. He wants me to turn to him and I know I should confront what just happened, yet the idea of looking into his eyes makes it all feel far too real. I liked living in my own little world with long eye contact and sexual tension that didn't mean anything because we didn't act on it, but here he is, in my room, asking me what's going to happen next without using those exact words. All he has to do is say my name–I know. I know that if I turn to him and do the things I've imagined doing to him it'll answer everything. However, there is a part of me that wants to scream at him and tell him to leave. It's probably the self-destructive side that is afraid of letting myself feel happiness, but I'm broken so it sounds just as logical as grabbing his face and pressing our lips against each other.

"Emelene," he says again and it takes every single bit of self-control I have not to turn around. I lift my face to the rain instead. Maybe it'll wash away the confusion on my mind.

Don't turn around. Don't do it. You can't handle that heartbreak.


I need her to turn around. I need to see her rosy cheeks, her beautiful hazel eyes, her petite nose. I need to see what she's thinking. The agony of being in the darkness is killing me.

It's obvious I'm not thinking logically–I can't control it anymore.

I need her like the air I need to breathe. My body doesn't work without her.

Closing the distance, I grab her arm and she spins. A gasp escapes her lips just before mine crash into hers.

At first her muscles are rigid under my touch. I begin to pull away, realizing my mistake. Instead of letting me leave though, her hands grip my shirt and pull me in further. This time its harder and hungrier.

Her hands travel down my body as we kiss–our tongues sliding in each other mouths. My hand slips from her neck and into her hair. She lets out a breathe that instigates me to keep going. My other hand goes to her waist, pulling her body against mine.

The rain falls harder and it's like the large droplets cleansed away all her fears because she's pulling my shirt up and over my head before I can even process what's happening.

I stumble back a step, a bit dizzy. My chest rising and falling intensely as she looks me over from my knees to my lips as my shirt falls to the stone. 

Most of her hair has fallen out of her bun and the strands are instead plastered to the sides of her face. Rain drops fall down her tanned skin, soaking her clothes I wished more than anything to rip off.


William says my name again like he's asking for permission–he wants to know this is okay. It's not, God, it's so far from being okay, but it feels so good and I can't seem to stop myself as I close the gap that'd somehow grown between us.

We collide and just like if we were stars; we explode. There's no testing how far we can go anymore–it's all in. There's no hesitation as he lifts me. My legs straddling him while he brings us over to the railing. 

Cupping his face with my hands, I deepen the kiss as he presses all of him into me right there on the edge of the balcony in the rain like we're the only two people in the world.

My fingers dig into his wide back, his muscles flexing in response. 

"They might see us," I whisper over his lips, sparing only a second to glance from the edge of the balcony that sits over the garden of the Breckenridge estate.

His kisses go down my neck and my head lulls back. My skin burns everywhere his lips touch and even as I speak my hands travel his body like I map I have to memorize. "William–"

William And Emelene (Deleted Scene)Where stories live. Discover now