Hope, Life? - Chapter seven

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"Excuse me, what!" I heard. It didn't sound like Hinata. Hinata himself was too shocked to speak, I could tell. My wondering did not last long. My crush's boyfriend sprung into the house. Kageyama stood before me, face hot as fire—eyes ready to pop out. He did not look like the real Kageyama I know.

"Kageyama!" I started, "What are you doing here...at a time like this?" I said while scratching my head, sounding like I didn't care, or at least feeling guilty. "Don't act like you don't know, la fille de Maman." Kageyama was kinda scaring me now!

My gout told me not to tell Hinata. But My heart was different. "..." I was at a loss for words. I was the prey, and Kageyama was the hunter. I'm his target for who will know how long.

"Speechless? But the last minute or two, you were wanting my, My boyfriend's dick." Kageyama was undeliverable, I would never do such, such repulsive thing– "Don't act like you weren't–"

"I wouldn't do such an unappetizing, revolting thing!"

"Oh! What did you say before..oh yeah! 'I..--I love you!'" Kageyama said in a sarcastic voice. Adding manure and emotion to the last sentence, Oh, and he said I was sickening!

"I was just–" I posed, knowing I made a huge mistake. I knew Kageyama and Hinata were dating. I am revolting. Sickening too. I should have thought more about this. I'm just hurting their relationship if I keep going.

Third-person POV

Kageyama's appearance and voice were narrow. He didn't look or tried to give mercy to the little miner in front of him. Hinata knew Kageyama was respectful and would not lay a hand on Hitoka herself. But, he didn't disagree that what Hitoka was doing was not wise, and it was unpleasant of her to do so.

Kageyama seemed to lose his patience and almost spat in Hitoka's face. Making him look like the bad guy. "Sorry..." Hinata spoke, catching Hitoka and Kageyama's attention. "What?" Kageyama asked, his voice not as high and profound as before. But he still left a little annoyance in his voice. "Sorry." Hinata started, "Sorry Hitoka-kun. I already have Kageyama. It was the best decision I made, which is to be with him. I know you were just telling me how you felt, but you were still hoping I would leave Kageyama for... you." Hinata spoke with patience and coiled his voice at the end. "Kageyama will apologize first, and then you." He ended. "WHAT, why do I have to start!" Kageyama whined. Hinata was starting to have no patience with Kageyama. "Fine!" Kageyama spoke. "Sorry," He started, "sorry I yelled and all..." Kageyama ended, not fully saying what he did wrong, but it seemed like it pleased Hinata. "Hitoka." Hinata tried to sound normal, but he yelled a little–while calling her name. "Y-yes!" She started, "I'm sorry for not taking you two's relationship wisely! And, I realize what I did was utterly ridiculous and what Hinata, you said, was not cool of me." Hitoka choked on her words, she could not leave their relationship like this! She loved Hinata...but, sometimes letting someone you love to go, is the right thing to do. She bit her lip thinking about that. "Okay!" Hinata spoke clearly, noticing the air was not as thick as before. "Hitoka, ahh– get out," Hinata said, with a smile on his face. "B-but–" She lacked, "I and Kageyama were going to do something, if you don't mind leaving~ that would be great," Hinata said, pointing straight at the door. Hitoka left in silence, walking in the cold, she felt a raindrop on her nose. "Oh no, it's going to rain!" She ran and ran. But, her house was too far away. She knew if she was going to go to Hinata's house, she would miss the train or bus. She was thinking Hinata himself would drive her home. "It was a complete failure." She stated. She picked up her phone, dialed her Mothers phone number, and walked to the nearest street with a lamp post. "It's going to take time before mother will pick me up." She walked and walked. Her legs were charged free. She has a lot of energy to burn—it won't take time before she turns into a complete nobody. She thought. "You were my only hope in life, Hinata."

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