●bad boy●

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It has already been 5 months since uncle Stuart killed my fa-Nathan but the nightmares won't go away, even dead he keeps chasing me, hurting me and I'm fucking tired of all of this. I feel like I didn't scaped from that basement and this is all a dream, moving to palmetto with my uncle, getting my own room, my personal space, this good things, I'm not used to it I'm still waiting for the moment that stuart will lash out and hit me or expell me from here but he hasn't beeing anything but kind and embracing.
Even with all of this, I'm here at the lake of the City trying to just forget the world or get corage enough to disappear from it. Suddenly I hear branches breaking and a smell of smoke brought by the wind so I turn around and there's a figure ilumineted by The moon, my blood runs cold and I freeze but then I remember that I don't have enyone to fear anymore this must be just some random teenager  but its 3 am so actually is weird that he's here just freezed in the spot smoking a cigarett and staring at me like nothing in the world matters, I wish I was like this, just at peace or just forgetting all of this shitty feelings, my mom always told me that they would got me killed at some point and  I think she was right but they would kill my mind someday not mt body. Even if he has an "look at me and I will kill you" aura, something about his silence and powerful presence makes me feel at ease, he just stay there without saying anything and the only sound in the forest its our breathing and the wind surounding us, its the first time in months that someone doesn't demanda anything from me or makes me feel guilty.
Suddenly the boy makes moves to leave but something about his peaceful silence makes me open my mouth and say
The boy turns around and raise an eyebrow and something about his blank face fascinats me, his hair is blond almost white and he  has a piercing in his left eyebrow that just ads to his "bad boy" appearence, suddenly I want to know him and-
"Are you just going to stare at me with this dumb look or are you actually going to say something?"
Er... sorry its just- whats your name?
The boy raises his eyebrow again and I think he's going to leve because but he just stares at me with something like amusement in his eyes that is quickly gone and says
" Andrew  and you must be the new weird kid who never go out of the house" dick
" well thats  a really long nome, I'm just Neil though"
And then there's the spark of more amusement in his eyes, he's coming closer to me and from this new distance I can see that his eyes are a rare color of almond
" Well Neil" he comes really close to my face and says " I'm Andrew Minyard" for some reason he gives an emphasis on Minyard like I should already how who he is, stupid jock.  "Soon the very kind residents of this town will warn you about me, to stay away from me and I think you should listenn to then giving the fact that I didn't even did anythind and you' re already trembling" he says all of this with a dangerous look on his face with a sick smile but I just keep staring at him because what the actual fuck? Who does he thinks he is? My father is  from the fucking mob and this ghot kid thinks that he scares me, I should tell him that I'm trembling because I haven't had a proberly sleep in five months with nightmares of Lola cutting my tendons while Nathan cuts  my fingers so yeah he's the least scary thing I ever saw but none of this is his  business so I just glare at him while preparing to ruins him by telling what a piece of shit he is but suddenly he turns around and leaves.
There it goes my only moment of peace in almost half a year just because I opened my fucking mouth.

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