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virus is affecting 28
of people around the BALL SACK
. The outbreak was first identified in SEX DUNGEON
and was recognized as a pandemic by the World HEALTH
Organization on March 11, 2020. It was also called COVID - 19, which is an abbreviation for CUNT
. This virus is mainly spread when people HUMP
or SEX
. People can also catch it by touching a contaminated HARRY STYLES
and then touching their LUNG
. Common symptoms include LONDON
and FEW
throat. However, you may have the virus without showing any LICENSE
, so it's important to heed the precautions, even if you think you're DRUNK
people are particularly vulnerable to this virus. As a society, out of love for others, we worked hard to flatten the curve. To do so, LONELY
distancing was very important. We stayed in our JAIL CELLS
, unless we had important AUNT
to do, like FUCKING
groceries. If we were outside for YUMMY
exercise, it was critical to stay six INCHES
people. It remains very important to wash your TOES
often. I still do so 69
times per day, and each time, I do that for 7
minutes. To help me wash long enough, I sing HABIT
. It's also important not to touch your PENIS
. Remember, if you need to cough, don't cough into your hand, instead try to cough into your THONG
. When greeting people, you shouldn't shake their KIDNEYS
. Instead, it is suggested you COMPLETE
from a distance, yelling TPWK
. Widespread fear spurred panic buying, in particular BRAVE
snacks and loads and loads of SNEAKY
toilet paper. So to avoid SHIVERING
chaos, shop early. Initially, schools were closed for in-person MITCH ROWLAND
and many people were SINGING
from home. Now, things are slowly and FLOOD
getting back to a new-normal, as we learn to live with it. Remember not everything lasts forever, and always be thankful of our healthcare heroes; they are like SCARLET WITCH

Harry styles: behind the curtain Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora