and I love her... -johnny Lawrence

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2 years. The best 2 years of your life had been the ones you've spent with Johnny. You've been with him for the ups and downs with the dojos,everything with his students. And when Miguel had the accident at the school, that's when you saw the biggest change. He stopped coming home alot. He stayed out drinking. Wound up in jail more than once.
You missed the man you fell in love with.
Today was one of your few good days together. He surprised you with breakfast, then took you out for a day in town.
You came home with tons of shopping bags and a huge smile on your face.
"Hey I'm gonna go grab the last of the bags from the car." He said, you smiled and nodded
After a few minutes of him not coming back inside you got a bit anxious and walked out to see him and Carmen standing by her apartment talking quietly.
Carmen looked up and saw you, Johnny noticing something caught her attention and he turned to see you standing with a small smile. Johnny said a few words to her before giving her a hug and walking back to you. You both walked in . You asked the question that was burning its way into your mind the most. " what was that about? Everything okay with miguel?" Johnny nodded. "Yeah, he's actually awake.  He was asking for me so I'm actually gonna head over there right now. " you frowned "what about our movie day? You promised we would have today for ourselves.." He sighed softly "y/n Miguel's been in the hospital in a coma. That's more important than this right now. Now I gotta get going,Carmen's waiting for me. I'll see you tonight ." He placed a small, dull kiss on your cheek before walking out.
And that's when you knew.

You pushed it to the back of your mind as far as you could, but no matter how hard you tried, the thought always wondered it's way back to your mind.

When Johnny came in around 11 pm, you knew something was up. "Where have you been johnny? I've been worried sick!" You walked over, wrapping your arms around him. He sighed softly "sorry, Miguel's visit took a while, than Carmen invited me to dinner." He said setting down his jacket on the edge of the couch. "And you didn't think to give me a call? To maybe invite me along?.." you asked with a bit of hurt in your tone.

He sighed "y/n please just stop with the questions. I'm tired. Let's just get some sleep." He said walking to the bedroom. "No Johnny. You've been pushing yhis off for too long. I'm tired of it. You're never around anymore. " he sighed "dammit y/n, let's just go to bed. We can have the stupid movie day Tomorrow, just stop the yapping." He sighed, making you let out a hurt laugh. "You think that's what this is about? Well it's not. It's about the fact that you're never here! I'm in this relationship by myself ay this point and I'm sick and tired of it johnny!"

He sighed and looked at you" you're over reacting. It's one day y/n. Carmen's son has been in a coma. I need to be there for her." You ran a hand through your hair "no, no you don't Johnny. I'm your girlfriend, not her. I know that sounds selfish but you always put her over me and I'm sick of it. I'm sick and tired of being a second choice for you johnny." You stated. He sighed "I don't know what you want me to do y/n. She's a mother who's son just woke up from an accident.  You're just being a bitch if you think that me trying to help her is ruining this relationship." You sighed "why are you turning this on me?! Look Johnny I love you-" he cut you off " and I love her!"
And those 4 words absolutely broke you. "I love her y/n.. we both know this relationship wasn't gonna work long term..I haven't loved you in a long time and we both know that. I tried staying. I tried I swear I did but-" you had tears streaming down your face with every word he said." You don't owe me an explanation.  I'll go." You said in a flat tone. "No you-"  " I'll go."
Word count: 744

Hi guys! Finally back from my little break from this app. Sorry for being gone so long. I've had a few things come up, and I haven't had many ideas on writing. Hope you guys enjoy this one. Broke my heart righting

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