A single puff.

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I take a single puff from the ciggy and instantly feel as if I'm choking.. not necessarily for me but the bosses did it which means I'm going to! I keep puffing and puffing until it eventually went to the filter I jumped up and sprayed air freshener all around the kitchen hoping it hides the scent of fag smoke or a dirty dumper. Then I remembered about the guitar. I needed to go and get a book to help me with the cords, the frets, what fingers to use and the list goes on. But then I remember I have a grandad who is a whole fucking rockstar!! I drench myself in air freshener as it will have to do, for now, I walk outside, lock the door and slightly jog to my grandfather's house. Once I get there I ask if I can lend a guitar beginners book and if he can help me with the correct cords and frets, of course, he said yes as he has always wanted someone to play with. I sat down with the guitar and played incredibly, this all came out of absolutely nowhere, "you have a gift my child" he said, I rolled my eyes in disbelief (obviously being cocky as fuck)  he then proceeded to ask me to sing. May I say why the word "proceeded" is necessary? Of course, I can thank u very much. He always begged me to sing as he said I had just the right amount of husk in my voice for a sort of "rocky vibe" I could never grasp the concept of his statements half of the time but I just did as he asked. Again amazed and flabbergasted at the moves I've just pulled with no lessons. Nothing, especially considering I had no idea how to play beforehand! "Wow," he whispered under a sort of shocked tone, I didn't know how this happened it just did.. What was it?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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