Broken hearts and broken noses

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I can't describe what it felt like.

It was excruciating and yet, I felt numb.My heart screamed in pain and yet, there was complete silence. I can't quite put it into words but I know this, I died and yet, I live.

~ Phoenix Mode

Regulus Black was gone and had taken a part of Cassiopeia with him, the sanity that he and Theodore bought the belief that It'll be alright and they will be a family again had faded into oblivion

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Regulus Black was gone and had taken a part of Cassiopeia with him, the sanity that he and Theodore bought the belief that It'll be alright and they will be a family again had faded into oblivion

Cassiopeia found herself outside in Regulus's room, she didn't dare to set inside, she leaned her forehead against the door and the tears spilled out, it was the first time she had cried, A portrait facing the hallway observed her granddaughter, She burst into tears while the other portraits mourned, her whole life he fought for her, the past 16 years nothing was more important than her, Everything she knew he taught her, he made her one of the most excellent quidditch players, he made her the best in her class, he gave her one thing she would never have had if it wasn't him, love.

The love of a father is something irreplaceable, he wasn't her biological dad but he was her whole world, the pain was not fading away even though it had been a month. 

The next day itself, Cassiopeia wanted to think of it as a bad dream, she didn't have the motivation to get out of bed, well that works well until your father or more preferably called the dark lord wakes you up scared you might do something to yourself, Draco himself was quiet most of the times, Lucius and Alexzander were arrested by the ministry on the word of the order, Rabastan's name didn't even come once it was suspicious to some and luck to others, Little did they know it moony fulfilling his promise to one of the closest people to him till this very day. 

Cassiopeia came back to the Manor after completing her task for the day and discovered something about herself this last month, she enjoyed killing people, it made her feel better in the way nothing else could, the world was pointless and numb, but killing felt like a purpose, Sirius was rotting away in dungeons, the dark lord asked to wait because he had to use him for something. 

It was the day that the father-daughter duo would travel back to 1926, the day of Grindelwald first met Credence as Percival Graves. 

Cassiopeia got dressed and headed downstairs,

Cassiopeia got dressed and headed downstairs,

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