٭٭٭late night walk٭٭٭

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Tubbos pov:
It was the middle of the night and I hear ender man noise beside me, I thought a ender was there but when I went to look it was just ranboo... But not the ranboo I know... His eyes were purple and he was just sitting up.. "Hey big man.. You ok? " I asked but he said something in ender and hell you thought if I marry a ender man thing I would know it, hell no I don't know shit-. I taped his shoulder and he got scared ig and teleported away. A few seconds later he came back. Ig he can't hear, well lucky when tommy was little I hand to know sign language cus he was deaf. I spelled ranboos name in his hand, kinda like what helen Kellers teacher did for her. He understood and pointed at me say what was my name, well kinda. I spelled my name in his hand and he nodded. After an hour he got out of what ever he was in, the first minute he came with a whole dirt block, then we had to take a walk or else he might get lost, but he kept writing in his book but it wasn't words it was ender...
A/n:hi um toby here just let me know if I should continue I did this bc I couldn't go back to sleep- anyway have a good night or day or afternoon Amors☢︎

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