Chapter One

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"Is he meeting us there?" Sam was the first to break the silence. The hum of the Impala filled the air, creating the peaceful atmosphere in which the two brothers had become so accustomed to. Travelling along the lonely winding road as day turned to a cloudy night, Dean, the elder of the two, had entered into a daydream state. A rare thing indeed as he usually exhausted his mind worrying about almost everything in his life and the life of his younger brother. His brothers voice however, snapped him out of his peaceful state of mind and brought him rudely back to reality,

"What?" Dean responded after what felt like and eternity not having heard the question.

"Is (y/n) meeting us in Wichita? I thought that's who you were calling yesterday?" Sam responded in a matter of fact manner. This peaked the interest of the rear seat occupants.

"Who is that?" Castiel asked in a monotone voice. This was a name he was totally unfamiliar with.

"He's a hunter we worked with on a job a few years back. He's incredible at fighting just about anything and a wicked shot." The brothers had worked with the hunter on several occasions before. His marksmanship alone was something that made Dean jealous but it was his hand to hand fighting that made Sam jealous. When Bobby was still alive and whenever they happened to be staying with him at the same time, they jokingly suggested to sparing to see who out of the three of them was the best at hand to hand. Needless to say, he won every time.

"Why are we meeting another hunter?" Jack chimed into the conversation. There were four of them in total, hence why the young nephilim couldn't understand why another hunter would be required.

"A hunch." Dean begin.

"It's more than one ghost, or at least that's what we think." Sam finished.

The rest of the journey to Wichita was spent in silence. This had become an increasingly regular occurrence for any long journey. Though it didn't happen as often now, the brother still had arguments with each other about many things. Unfortunately the entire bunker population usually suffered when the brothers fell out. Though Castiel usually always picked Dean, Jack felt like he always ended up picking sides and regretting his decision later.

Two weeks ago, the brothers had argued again after Sam took a knowing risk eliminating a dozen demons. It took four days for them to communicate with each other and to not ignore each other.

Dean slowed the impala once he saw the sign for the motel (y/n) had mentioned in his call. It didn't look two shabby from the outside. Two story, relatively clean car park and well light. The building itself looked somewhat run down, most of the doors had chipped paint and there was a few cracked windows here and there. Dean pulled into a car parking spot two spaces down from a black Harley Davidson. Before becoming a hunter, (y/n) worked high risk construction jobs that paid well and he managed to save up to buy his motorbike once he started hunting.

"What room is he in?" Sam asked his brother as they clambered out the car.

"24. He won't be here though, you know what he's like. He'll be a bar somewhere." Dean rolled his eyes. (Y/n) didn't drink as heavily as he did but he seemed to spend most of his time in a bar. Sam watched as Dean walked towards the small reception.

"What does he mean?" Castiel asked inquisitively. Sam let out a small laugh before responding,

"He sings." Of course, many hunters had at least one hobby that didn't revolve around cleaning guns or sharpening knives, and for (y/n) it was singing and cooking whenever he could.

"He sings?" Jack questioned further.

"You'll see." Sam responded watching as he brother returned with two keys.

"Let's go, there's a bar down the road. He's probably there." Dean walked alongside Castiel in the dim street lit road. It wasn't too far. As they neared the bar, Sam and Dean picked up on a familiar voice singing loudly. The gravel crunched under their feet as they walked across the narrow car park. The bar had a neon sign on the outside reading 'Blue Moon'. It looked old and ready to fall down. Dean pushed the wooden door open to reveal a packed bar. Men and women holding pints of anything going whilst signing along with the hunter stood on the stage.

The air was thick in the best way possible. Following his brothers gaze, Sam spotted the hunter. In another life, he would surely be a real cowboy. He wore old ankle boots, thick denim jeans that were starting to ride so low it was oblivious what brand of underwear he wore. He had a plain t shirt on that was soaked with sweat at the armpits. Once same had noticed this, he himself started to feel the heat of the place, no wonder the hunter was sweating so profusely.

In general (y/n) was an imposing man, taller even than Sam and very well built. As the brothers had seen, he could hold his own in a fight. His skin was relatively tan and in this heat it glistened.

Dean walked over to the only free seats whilst Sam walked over to the bar to get a bottle of beer. It was around this moment that the hunter on the stage noticed him.

"I am the righteous hand of God
And I am the devil that you forgot
And I told you one day you will see
That I'll be back I guarantee
And that hell's coming, hell's coming
Hell, hell's coming with me

And it is well, with my soul
You line your pockets full of money that you steal from the
And on your way down to hell, you hear me ring that bell
And I said, hell's coming with me"

The room erupted in drunken applause. After a few minutes, (y/n) jumped down off the stage whilst taking another swig from his bottle. On closer inspection, the man's hair was falling into his face and sticking to his cheeks. They were red.

"Hey Sam."

This wasn't going to end well.

Ghosts and Ghouls (Sam Winchester x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now