15: Our demons

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The Gardens are where all of the bodies of dead residents of Neverland are buried. It started as just one garden but this is Neverland where all kinds of crazy dangerous things happen and the bodies started to pile up so we had to make another. Long story short, the Gardens take up a lot of land. The walk to the Gardens was relatively quiet. Until Peter fell into step with me.
"Hey, are you okay?", he asked.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I replied.
"Wendy, you just cursed Vidia to be a wolf which will lead to her being dominated by her wolf side and being fully consumed by it. That usually takes a toll on someone." Peter said.
"I know. It's strange but, I'm okay." I reassured him.
"Are you sure?"
"Peter, I said goodbye to brothers tonight. I cried, I got angry, but I didn't say goodbye. Not yet. Tonight, I got to tell my brothers goodbye. And I avenged them. Partially. So, when I get my hands on that bitch, the figurative and literal term, I will make a lovely fur coat out of her." I said, not joking at all.
"You've got fire Darling, I like fire." He chuckled. Normally, I would've laughed. But now, hearing him say something like that wasn't all that funny anymore. But it wasn't bad either. It caused a different reaction this time. A very confusing reaction. A confusing reaction that I'm not sure was good or bad yet.

"We're here." Mira announced. She still had that stoic expression on her face. 
"Okay, mind telling us why we're here?" Felix asked.
"When I first came to Neverland one hundred years ago, I had something to hide. A medallion. The medallion gave the wearer the ability to control mermaids. Like controlling someone with their heart. Someone close to me got a hold of it and nearly killed my entire family. Those of us who did survive the attack left to different corners of the world. Some of us left the kingdom, while others like me left the realm. I had to keep the medallion safe so I locked it in a chest and chucked it into that pond." Mira pointed to the giant pond in the center of the Garden. The pond went down for miles and was also chucked with bodies. "I asked Bethany to charm it so only my blood could open it. Hence why we're now."
"Why would The Hound want something like that?" I contemplated.
"We can figure that out later." Mira sighed as she took off her shoes.  She was about to take off her dress when she looked at the boys funny. "Um, do you mind?" The boys got the hint and turned around. Thankfully, Mira had worn a strapless bra with her dress because I did not want to get an eyeful of her, assets. She took off her bracelet and jumped into the pond. I couldn't help but wonder, what kind of trauma came with this order from The Hound?

Mira's POV
I was hoping I would never have to do this. Retrieving the medallion could have dire consequences. It did the first time. Though it has been well over a hundred years, I still don't forgive myself for what happened that night. It was my fault that he got the medallion in the first place. I submerged the chest here because I thought I would never have to bring it back up again. So why, after over one hundred years, does someone want it now? Hopefully, we'll come up with a diversion in time so that this Hound person won't get her hands on it. Because it's clear as day that she is out of her damn mind and would cause havoc in Neverland if she got possession of the medallion. 

I chose the Gardens to hide the medallion because the pond here go deep as hell. This pond alone I think runs deep enough to connect with the ocean. Plus, we've had a lot of dead bodies since then so the chest was buried under them making it very difficult to find. Thus, making it very difficult for me to find it. Which was the point but I'm kicking myself for it now. I barely recognize any of the people buried here. Weston and Destiny had their own private gravesites next to each other since they were very important to their respective factions. Other than them, none of these people are ringing a bell. Most of them are actually Lost Boys because those guys are idiots who are always getting themselves hurt and the especially stupid ones end up here. 

After pushing past all of the corpses, I finally spotted the chest. It was red with gold accents. It was still beautiful but had been rusted from the seawater. Now that I'd retrieved it, I had to open it with my blood since it was sealed with a blood lock curtesy of Bethany. I just had to find something to cut my finger with. I noticed a dagger tucked into the belt of one of the deceased Lost Boys. I winced as I pricked my finger with it and then pressed my bleeding fingertip to the lock and it opened instantly. I held the medallion, disregarding the box. It felt uncomfortably heavy in my hand. I felt this uncomfortable pull to it, which scared me. If this fell into the wrong hands again, the person holding it could make me do whatever I wanted. I trust Wendy would never take advantage of me like that but Pan or Felix might do it just get a good laugh out of it.

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