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It's easy to say that the past twelve hours have been the most stressful twelve hours I've ever been through in my entire seventeen years. Most of my friends and I somehow managed to run from the roof of the school building to the gymnasium without being torn apart by those ruthless zombies, but it wasn't as easy as it sounds. From Cheong-san encountering his zombified eomma and taking his anger out on Dae-su, to Ji-min getting lost along the way - and most likely not surviving - we didn't make it as an entire group.

I remember everything that went down vividly. So vividly.

"Hyo-ryeong ah!" I yelled as I glanced back and noticed her helplessly sprawled across the ground, unable to get up.

My eyes catching the zombie running swiftly towards her from behind, I let go of Joon-yeong's hand and left the rest of the group to run back and help her. Hyo-ryeong has an injured leg, plus, she is one of the more dependant of the Class 2-5 group. I wanted the entire group to make it to the gym alive.

Bolting my way towards Hyo-ryeong, I crashed myself straight into the flesh-eating Hyosan High student before it could attack her. As a result, the zombie was sent tumbling back down the rain flooded path.

"Hyo-ryeong! Get up!" I shouted over the deafening rain and thunder, wrapping my hands around her shoulder and waist to help her up.
When I looked at her, her facial expression looking back at me was a mixture of lost, confused and hurt all at once - hell, that perplexed look on her face was probably due to the fact that I was helping her. We aren't close and we rarely ever spoke before the zombie outbreak brought our class together, but I would do as much I can to make sure we all make it to safety alive.

As I scanned the area around us for any approaching zombies, I noticed that someone was missing - Kim Ji-min. I remembered that she was nowhere to be seen with the group ahead either so I figured out the most likely reason why Hyo-ryeong seemed hurt both physically and emotionally. I guess this zombie apocalypse is an every-man-for-themselves situation - even your closest friends can betray you at any moment solely for their own survival.

Just as Hyo-ryeong had struggled back up onto her two feet, I suddenly heard a sharp sound. A whoosh. Then the sound of blood splattering, and the noise of a thud on the ground.
When I looked directly below us, I saw exactly what it was.

The zombie that targeted Hyo-ryeong, now dead and spread across the muddy ground, impaled through the neck with an archery arrow.

An arrow? Surely it can't be...
It wouldn't be...

Is that..?

As my eyes shifted from the dead corpse to directly in front of us, I had to blink twice at what — or who —I saw.

Oh my... god.

"...Noona?" I trailed off, my eyes wide and gawping at my older sister's presence.

Jang Ha-ri, my older sister, took advantage of her archery mastery by tackling off zombies with her bow and arrow, sending them flailing to the ground.
Shooting with her was Jung Min-jae - her closest archery team member.
Another two were lagging behind them. I don't know their names, but one senior girl like Ha-ri was pushing a cart with another boy tied down to it.

Noona acknowledged my presence, but ignored me and continued to take upcoming zombies out with her expert arrow aim.
She can be blunt, but she's my sister and I know her inside out. I know that deep down she was relieved to see her little brother, but her focus was on killing any upcoming zombies before they could kill us.
But why is she at our school when she had a competition?

Look after you | Jang Woo-jin and Jang Ha-riWhere stories live. Discover now