chapter 4

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Few days later

"Rin I don't like this"
"Try this"

Rindou gave you a black dress

You tried the dress on

"You look gorgeous"

"Thanks rin"

He feels butterfly in his stomach when you call him that

"Let's buy this too then"

You two went on shopping date poor ran had work so he couldn't come with you both
"We're back"

Rindou said before keeping all the bags on the sofa and sighing

"Haha let me get you some water"
"Yeah thanks"
While pouring the water in the glass
You felt someone hugging you from behind

You flinched

"I missed you.."
"Ran stop scaring me from behind every time"

Ran chuckled

"What did you guys buyed?"

You sighs

"Rin almost bought me the whole store"

"Haha that's my bro"

He said proudly and you laughed

"Well you must be tired"
"Yeah I'll go to sleep soon"

You talked with the other executives for a while and then went to you're room after saying good night everyone
It was almost the middle of the night

You we're on you're phone not able to sleep but tired

The lamp switch off

"Huh shit!."

You are afraid of dark so you quickly got out

Just to see the whole corridor dark and scary

"Huh rin!"
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah but not that okay...."
"Don't worry looks like someone messed up with the lights"

You yelped when someone pulled you by you're shoulder then drugged you with a cloth

"Y-y/n what happened?"

Rindou tried to search for you but bumped into someone


He hugged you........or he thought that was you

"Bitch the fuck it's not y/n"
"EW sanzu"
"Shut up"

The light switch on

Sanzu sighs

"Looks like someone is messing with us-"

Rindou quickly ran to his room

"Oh great he left me"

Ran flinched and dropped his phone

"What rindou who did you fight again?"
"Was it sanzu?"
"Don't tell me you ate her ice-cream again?"
"Oh my god No the fuck"
"Then what is it?
"Okay then-"

They started searching for you
You woke up in a dark room with a window and hands tied with a long chains

You sighs

"Don't tell me I got kidnapped again"
"Too bad you did"

You're eyes widened when you heard the voice

"That's right sis"
"Don't believe me here"

He turned on a lamp far away from you and you saw him standing in front

"Missed me?"
"Not at all"
"I heard you joined bonten sis"
"Don't call me that's you're not my brother"
"So pissed already?"
" you're helping bonten with info"
"So what?-"
"Or their sexual desires?"

He cut you off

You looked at him in disbelief

"Umm a toy a fuck toy"
"What the fuck are you saying?"

Hanma smirked

"Haitani brothers....."
"Am I wrong?"

You're Heart stopped beating for a sec when he mentioned them.

"How did you...."
"I was watching you all these years after you ran away"

He said leaving and shutting off the lamp




"So someone messed with the lights and kidnapped y/n"
"Yeah...we searched everywhere"
"Sanzu try to get her location "
"And the rest of you get her background info"

Oh and Mikey treated you better after you agree on joining bonten after haitani brothers help you with stuff

And he actually cares about you as haitani's gf/bf and bonten's member

The meeting finished


"Background info..huh."
"Yeah we actually know nothing about her"
"Yeah? Just how we did never try"

Koko and kakucho entered the room

"We will go to the gang where she worked in before"
"But didn't we killed them all?"
"Nope we killed the leader but we didn't kill the few members and they are still working in there"
Y/n's backstory is coming

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