Chapter 13

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After about 15 minutes of pure silence, he pulled up to some house that was fairly huge. I glanced over at him.

“Is this your house?” I asked curiously.

“Nah, its my friend’s,” I nodded and he got out, as did I.

The house was flooding with drunken teenagers, and everyone was dancing inside and outside the house. Everyone looked like they were having a good time, but this definitely wasn’t my scene. I thought about turning back, but Aaron already had his arm slung over my shoulders. I didn’t feel anything, unlike the electric jolt that goes through my skin whenever I touched Jason… Jason… I missed him so much, I feel like I should be with him right now, instead of Aaron. Don’t get me wrong, Aaron was cool, but Jason understands me and I always have fun with him. Whatever, I could have a good time with Aaron too…. Right?

Jason’s Point Of View

“All right, so you guys all know the plan, right?” I questioned, making sure these idiots could follow simple steps.

They all nodded at the same time, and I smirked. This was going to be good. If these guys do everything right, we might have a chance at breaking out of this hell hole.

We all split up, since it was currently work time, it was ending anyways. I made my way back to my cell, along with the other inmates. I was thrown inside, as usual, but it didn’t bother me. The small bomb that was meant to distract the cops was going to go off in less than ten minutes. All I had to do was wait while the knuckle heads did what they are best at. They would ambush the cops, only a couple so that I could go ahead and disable the cameras in the detention center. After that we would all meet up at the gate, no cops where supposed to be there, they would all be where the bomb went off. Which would be out on the recess grounds. With all of them outside, we could lock the doors, and those who stayed inside the dinosaurs would take care of them.

As I sat there, I re thought things.

Did I really want to do this? I could be thrown back into jail for even more time. And… and what if Naomi found out? She would never… I shook my head, but she still stuck on my mind like glue.

Her perfect features, and her chestnut hair. Her eyes where the most beautiful. Over the time I haven’t been seeing her, when she was in the coma, I realized that I really do like her. If I get out of here, I can be with her, with no god damn bars to get in between us. I don’t know if she feels the same way but that doesn’t stop how I fee- Oh whatever, I can’t get my hopes high. The most beautiful girl in the world would never like me.

Maybe, I shouldn’t do this. I- I don’t think I CAN do this. I’d be risking everything I had, and that was Naomi. I would be risking the- I can’t believe I’m saying this- safety I had here. I have safety, but I’m not free. If I had safety, I could see Naomi, but never be able to touch her or go outside on weekends. If I took freedom then I could be back in here in a second.

I sighed deeply and at that moment, I heard a small boom go off a few feet away. And I frowned. I didn’t even have enough time to think this whole thing through!

Marcus immediately ran toward the bomb and I couldn’t help but smirk a little. After a few moments, one of the chumps unlocked my door.

Everything was going according to plan; well we were getting so many jealous stares from the rest of the prisoners. But I was no longer a prisoner. I was free; I just needed to get outside those doors…

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