The start of my journey

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"Ms. Holly is recruiting guild members?" I said to myself few months ago, wondering if i really should join.

Look, I always change guilds every month or so, I might leave this one when time comes. But meh, ill join this one, besides, Ms. Hollysheet was one of the best guild leaders out there, so why not give it s chance?

"To join our guild, you need to leave your own guild and wait for 24 hours." That statement was written on the announcement board near our guild base. I dont want to leave them, in fact I was not even close from staying 1 week with my guild. Oh dear this is a tough decision:(

I sadly went to our guild leader, Ms. Azure my last goodbye, she hugged me real tight and right after,I left the base without even saying goodbye to the others, why u may ask? Theyre not good to me, heck we dont even talk- only me and Ms. Azure do so-

I was staying at my dorm for 24 hours, i dont even go out. I was just there, rethinking of what i just did.

24 hours passed, i quickly rushed to the new guild, which now we can call "AGuildInPvServer". I was late.

Im now at the door of the guild. "Should i knock?? Or should i scream? I dont even know anymore" i said to myself BUT.
The door opened, right before my two eyes, there I saw our Guild Leader,


"Ms. Holly!! H-hi um- i would like to join your guild since its fun meeting new frie-"

"Youre in, come inside."

Shiver me timbers, what was that? Nervousness spread throughout my body, i was shaking while walking towards the Guild table.

"Dont be nervous dear, its just 4 of us here, I had just created the guild 2 days ago, so no need to panic." Holly said.

Phew, Im starting to cool off now.

Im now sitting at the Guild table, woah, I was even beside Holly's seat.

"Kindly write your name and your first statement." She said.

"What should i write here?" I said to myself

I know!

"Name: Mishchii"

"Statement: I will feast on your soul ^^"

370 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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