Cars 3~

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We got to the front door and we where welcomed by CJ and April. "Hey guys, there are already some people where! They are in the movie room. Also there is an open bar and snack bar so feel free to get drunk!" CJ said as she grabbed all of our things. "Wow thank you guys so much for planning this! I'm really exited to see everyone again!" I said pulling both the girls in for a hug.

"Your welcome ray, and for you to be released today your very energetic! I'm just glad your feeling so much better and your healthy and happy! We just glad your okay.." April said squeezing me. I hummed and pulled away. "Randy let's go, I need to see everyone!" I said pulling his hand inside the house.

"Ray take a left! Your moving to fast!" He said giggling. "Ray I'm about to fall!" He said as he grabbed onto my waist and pulled to to him. "You were walking to fast.. sorry." He said as he slowly let go. I turned to look up at him and I smiled. "Can you lead me to the movie room?" I said.

"Yeah follow me." He said as he grabbed my hand and led me to two big double doors. "Here it is" he said as he opened the door. I saw everyone look our way and down to our hands. I looked at them then to my hands. We're still holding hands.. I thought as I looked at randy. He mouthed a sorry and I looked back at everyone who was now smirking.

"Hee it's not what it looks like!" I said as I covered my face with my hands and turned my back to them. "Oh really?" Claire said as she walked over to me, she turned me around and hugged me. "How are you ray?" Claire said pulling back from the hug. "I'm okay actually, I have a doctors appointment in two weeks to see if everything is going fine." I said smiling up at her. She looked over to Randy and glared at him. "You better be protecting her Randal or I swear to god." She said in between gritted teeth. "Don't worry Clair, she will be perfectly fine." Randy said rubbing his neck.

"Rioght Rioght." I said and laughed. I looked over to see Max and Lucas. "MAX! LUCAS!" I yelled running up and hugging them. "I missed you guys so much." I said. "Aw ray we missed you too." Lucas said as he rubbed my back. "Hey boss! How are you?" Max said in his happy tone that he was somehow always in. "Max im doing great!" I said as I looked between the two. "You both look like your glowing! Are you healthy?" I asked laughing at them. "Duh boss we are healthy." Max said as they both joined me laughing. "Okay boys I have to go talk to some other people! See you guys later!" I said as I ran behind them.

I went up to Tommy and Dean who were talking. "Hey boys!" I said as I stopped in-front of them. "Ray!" Tommy said as he pulled me into a hella tight hug. "Hey Tommy.. I missed you!" I said as I pulled away to look at him. "I missed you too.." He said looking at me. "Hi Dean!" I said as I went to hug him. "Hey ray, I just want you to know that Tommy is staring into my soul right now so I'm gonna let you go." Dean said laughing. "Tommy stop giving Dean a hard time." I giggled as I broke Tommy's focus on Dean. He just smiled at me. "Well I have a lot of people to greet so I'll see you guys when we all get together." I said as I walked off to mr Lang and everyone around him. Yuno couldn't make it because he was doing something super important but he'll come to see me straight in the morning.


It took me about half an hour to greet everyone, I was already tired but I didn't feel like sleeping. Instead I called everyone over to where all the pillows and blankets where. I made sure everyone got at least one drink because we are about to play a game.

"So guys, do you want to play drunk truth or dare?" I said and looked at everyone sitting in the circle. The room filled with multiple varies of yes. So that was that, I started the game. It was going to go to the left. The person on my left is April.

"April truth or dare?" I asked her smirking. "Uhm dare!" She said smiling at me. "I dare you to down your drink!" I said and laughed. "I was gonna do that anyways." She said downing her martini. "Ramee truth or dare?" April said smiling at him. "Truth April. Your gonna make me do dumb shit if I chose dare." Ramee said chuckling. "Is it true that you have 9 mil in your bank account?" April said smiling up at him. "April that is very true." He said as he wrapped him arm around her. "Lucas truth or dare.."

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