Start Off

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To start off this book, I will not share my views yet. However, I want to start by saying my most favorite line ever; I like to say this to myself and to others--be it a loved one to a stranger.

"Please don't be so hard on yourself"

Simple, but I hold dear these 7 words; after the I Love You we all know. Such a short phrase but it means a lot to me and I tell you, I also mean it when I let it out my mouth to pass unto another person. Whatever problems we may face, I want to say this because I think everyone deserves to hear it.

We tend to forget ourselves and drown in our own darkness; guilt, shame, heartbreak, etc. But know that everything has a reason and happens because God has a plan for you. I may not know whatever your facing right now nor what you're feeling, but please don't be so hard on yourself.

Keep in mind that you are a precious person, there are people who love you and care for you. It's okay to cry and fall, and when you do, don't be so disappointed, don't be so hard on yourself. Take a deep breath and collect yourself again, then you can stand up. There may be times when it takes a long time to stand, but you will.

Take time to look above. The sunset that bathe in the ocean, the clouds that take in colors, the moon that shines only for our planet, and the stars that twinkle when you look. The sky is my escape, it's full of wonders to which I won't even bother finding answers to because its beauty is enough. Therefore, I also want to tell you to take time, look at the sky, and breathe. They're always there, patiently waiting to be noticed by you, we never know what lies, but they're beautiful.

And I may never know what lies within you, but you're also beautiful. So, please don't be so hard on yourself.

Someone who cares 💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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