Old Friend

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Ugh so this starts a few years back. Back in 2017, I had this friend, let's call him Bab, and me and him were GREAT friends.

Like we clicked almost immediately. It didn't matter if the only time we could talk to each other was in summer vacation in another country. It didn't matter that we only knew each other because my dad and his mom were really good friends. It didn't matter that he was two years older than me. It just didn't matter to us because our personalities were like puzzle pieces.

And I kinda had a crush on him.

Anyways, Bab had a brother who was a year older than him, let's say he's Brob. Brob is the complete opposite of Bab.

I may be biased while saying this but while Bab was the definition of sweet and caring, Brob was an asshole.

Brob would fucking spit on me and my cousin, let's say Ceclin (i'm great at fake names), he would put my little cousin Omar in a chokehold, and he would take my tablet away so he could finish the whole game of fnaf when he "promised to only help at one part".

Bro was a menace to society.

But that didn't matter either.

Bab and I were still great friends and we would do things everyday. Play basketball, swim in the sea, take strolls at night, and just talk. He would come over a lot.

I think sometimes I would make my crush a bit obvious, but he seemed to reciprocate. Or maybe that's what my brain wants me to think.

Of course, summer wasn't going to last forever. In the place where I live, school starts in August, so my time was up. We were leaving for America the next day. Bab still had another month or so because he lived in a different state.

We spent my last day doing what we normally did, but that night he stayed longer.

No this won't take a weird turn, don't worry.

Bab and I were just talking on the porch at 2 in the morning, when my dad told me to get to bed since we were going to leave in the morning.

Bab got up to leave and he gave me a hug saying he'd see me next year. Is it bad how I still remember that moment.

Anyways the next day came by and we were about to leave but Bab came again to say goodbye and we hugged again. :,)

Fast forward to a year later and I was back on vacation. This time, I came before Bab. I didn't want to ask my dad if he was coming this year because I didn't want my crush to be caught.

My dad is strict so yea.

It was said he was going to come so I waited. And waited. And waited.

But then it was time to leave again and he wasn't there.

The day that I left, he came two days later. It made me so fricking upset. He even asked if I was coming.

Whatever whatever.

Now fast forward to two years (yes two fucking years) and I'm on vacation again.

I carefully ask for Bab and it was said that he and Brob were coming August 4th that year!

I was so excited but the one problem was... we were leaving on the 8th. Ughhh. Oh well. It's better than nothing right?

Wrong. So wrong.

When they came, it was so awkward. So so so so so awkward.

I hate myself because I'm to blame for some of it.

Bab sat right next to me as our parents were catching up and said hi to me. I, like the goddamn nervous piece of shit I am, curtly turned around, said hi, and turned back around.


A day later, we went swimming together with Brob, his grandma and his mom. It was nice and all and we raced but otherwise, it was really awkward.

Brob, who mind you was like 16 at the time, kept yelling "CHUNKY IS DEAD" over and over again. I don't know anymore man.

Although, I did beat Bab's ass in that swim race.

And when we were going back to the house, me and Bab had a small conversation on how bad broken families are. We can somewhat relate to that although that's a whole other story that I'm not willing to share.

Anyways after that, the same day in the evening or so, I go out on this bike ride around the neighborhood.

As I'm going, I see Bab and Brob with their mom. I adore their mom. But I was going really fast on my bike and I didn't feel like stopping to talk or anything.

Just as I was going to pass by, their mom asks me if I want to join them for dinner. See, I seriously would've loved to join them, but me being the dumbass I am, declined and zoomed straight past them.

Bab looked like he wanted me to stay too.

Fuck me, right?

But yea, that concludes that vacation. It was time to go home.

I can't even remember how I left, so I guess it wasn't a significant ending like it was a few summers before.

Now, three years have past since the day I skipped out on dinner with them and it's been five years since me and Bab have had a real conversation.

He's graduated now! My dad showed me his graduation video.

Let me tell you, he's had a serious glow up, although he was already good looking.

But seeing that graduation video really hit hard for me.

We grew up so fast.

It won't be the same anymore. Oh well.

Until next time, old friend.

I sent him a friend request from insta but i'm still waiting for a response. i'll let y'all know if anything else happens!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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