~03.5~ Athella Past

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Kayla Castillo even as the popular star of show business didn't have an easy childhood . When she was 3 she lost her parents in a car accident ,and no one from her family wanted to take her in so she was sended to an orphanage. The young child like Kayla needed a lot of love but no one could make her feel loved. The caretakers in orphanage was a bunch of nasty bi****.

They beat the children if they were too loud or if someone needed something from them so mostly the children took care of themselves. Kayla, who was only 3, didn't know how to make sandwiches for herself or how to dress up so she was eating leftovers from older children and was dressed in only one clothes.

When she becomes more understanding ,at the age of 5. She understands more things than before. She started to learn to read and write with one girl from her orphanage. Even if the children were taking care of themselves and not being interested in each other she gladly helped Kayla to learn. Also to Kayla something bad happened because of her reactions toward everything the caretakers became more interested in Kayla of course in bad meaning.

She was beaten for a 4th time in a week which led to her bones to be broken.They also closed her in the basement of the orphanage. She lived with this pain till the age of 10 because at this unfortunate age her caretakers found out about Kayla's precious talent, specifically singing. Like caretakers said her voice was like that of a bird and also as sweet as sweets. They thought that they had never heard a more beautiful voice ,so they started her treatment.

The plan was clear: make Kayla a singer and make money from her. So after most of her wounds were healed, don't count the wounds on her back. She was sended to milion audience to become a singer. From Kayla's perspective it was bad even if she liked singing she didn't want to become someone's wallet she just wanted to sing and feel free from that. That's why this unfortunate day she started to sing because she didn't want to feel the pain which penetrated her. She wanted to feel more free than ever before. Freedom became her most desired trait in her life after the days she spented in the basement.

Kayla was rather shy. This type of girl who never speaks. The one who never disobeyed. As also the one who shined the brightest when she was in her natural environment. She was accepted to LKM company in New York at the age of 10. Her career begined. She was performing at small stages but even so she made a lot of money. Also this money was filling nanny's wallets.

As a singer Kayla ,never was in school even before she and orphanage children barely went to school. So Kayla thanks to her lessons in the studio understanded more than children in this hellish place. That was also a time where she learned how to play a piano and she loved this instrument because from her words "it is as calm as lake" of course it's her comparison.

Unfortunately for Kayla after 2 years the nanny's who are her guardians again started to beat her. Especially when she made less money than before. She was beating at her back because no one ever looked at her back so it was the perfect place to hide traces of crime. As I said before Kayla as a child never disobeyed no matter what because to her it was normal. To the point that she thought that the caretakers love her so much that's why they beat her. It was sick but to her as a child it was the only form of affection that she got.

When she was 15 ,she started to have lessons about domestic violence and more mental, psychical things. Then she realized what happened to her all these years. That she was a victim of domestic violence. What happened to her and the children in her orphanage. She thought that she's stupid because of what she thought but no one would blame her. She lived at this place for 12 years and she was then just a child who didn't identify a wrong from good. Even if the truth was on her plate. After a few days she went to her manager to talk. She was always going everywhere with her nannies but this time she escaped from the orphanage.

Of course they went to search for her but Kayla already told her manager about abuse from her caretakers. The thing that Kayla did required a lot of confidence. She of course was scared in her mind was a lot of questions, for example "he will believe me " "what with children" "I will never find someone who will give me more affection" or "I will always be alone". But when Kayla looked one day at hungry children at her orphanage. She pitied them more than herself so she wanted to help them even if it was fatal for her.

Luckily for Kayla ,the manager believed in her story and he immediately took the action. Kayla was taken to a hotel where she ended up living till the end of her life. Also the girls who was her caretakers was locked up in the prison and an interesting story came out. The orphanage where Kayla lived for 12 years was illegal. Those womens kidnapped all those childrens. Also they were impersonating under caretakers and took the orphans to a house where they could abuse them. They had many problems with violence and they even were sentenced for assault. They also had serious psychological problems.

If police would have found them earlier then childrens would have normal houses by now. But now many of them will fight with PTSD in that Kayla. Kayla's career was stopped because of her PTSD. She also many times wanted to kill those bi***** for what they do. But there was one thing that helped her with those thoughts: it was thought that she didn't want to descend to their level.

Those experiences somewhat help her with creating her later personality but it's not an exact way to make a personality. After many appointments in psychology she was nearly 'healed'. Of course in any time this could come back. But then she became more confident in herself and she felt that she could confront anything. Over again She became a cheerful and full of energy young lady whose at scene became the brightest. Of course like all human beings Kayla had flaws. As for her it was that firstly faithful and secondly stubborn if she imagined something she would push it till the end.

Generally she had a year's vacation from work and when she came back. She already had a proposition of collaboration with one of the smaller artists. His nickname was Kai and they had to sing a song, specifically a cover of the song. The name of this song was "Rewrite the stars" . It was from a movie.

(ofc i love this song so i put it here :) )

Kai gave Kayla an uncomfortable feeling from the beginning so she didn't like him very much. She thought that it's because of what people talk about him. Kai was a notable playboy. As also he was a big troublemaker inside his company but even so Kayla agreed to make a cover with him.

After this work they separated from each other and didn't maintain the contact even if Kai texted to Kayla because she didn't want to.

Later the years went calm till the day of release of her album at age of 19.

So till the day of her Death...

And her reborn


Hello I'm finally after exams so i could write a chapter it can be somewhat dull. Still i wanted to make the chapter in this form. Thanks to that you could learn more about Athella (Kayla). Also I hope that i was able to write it good. Goodnight and bye 

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