A New Start

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   Y/N POV:
         It's a rainy Monday Morning when I heard someone shouting downstairs. When I got out of bed and got ready I opened my door and heard that it was my mother screaming at my father. They always fought.  They were talking about making me go live at a horse farm with Charlotte so they can figure things out. I didn't agree with this and told them I am okay with them yelling, but they had decided, I was going to this place called, Horse-land.
         "Honey, it's time to go to horseland. You will be living with the owners for a while." My mother suddenly lowered her voice to a normal one. "Mother, I already said I don't want to go to horse-land!" I complained. "Nope, Charlotte is already on her way there. Now go get packed!" My mother raised her voice to a very stern one. While I headed upstairs to my room, my mom started to shout again.
          I reached up and grabbed my old suitcase from my closet, I carried it to my bed and set it down. I opened my drawer to my dresser to pick out some clothes for the time I was going to stay.  I walked over to my riding dresser and threw everything that was in it into the suitcase (don't ask how it can fit everything idk).

    (Sorry for short chapter)

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