Awakening Part 1

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Tiny twig village is all Freddy has known his entire life. His family and friends all live in town and he wouldn't dream of living elsewhere. But that doesn't mean he wouldn't mind visiting the bigger cities and the rest of the universe if the chance came. Freddy understands Tiny twig is just a grain of rice compared to the metropolitan areas and capital cities. He'll read about them on the cyberspace, papers and magazines every chance he gets, especially if it involves Yellow-head.

See, Yellow-head will make the papers occasionally and drop by Tiny twig every now and then just to say hi or help the local authorities, but Freddy has yet to see or much less meet his cherished superhero. To be like him is his long life dream, and for the past 6 months, Freddy has never been more dedicated to making that vision into a reality.

He first started with his daily exercise routine which consisted of walks, bike rides in the park and one strength training session per week. He had to take that to a whole new level. Next was his diet, which was not the best. It meant saying goodbye to his beloved doughnuts. Oh, how he loved his pastries...moving on. His combat experience was little to none and was at the top of his priorities.  But what really kept Freddy up at nights wasn't the workouts or the new daily routines, it was the thought of failing. Not only himself but his friends, family and Tiny twig itself.

Every day the town got bigger and bigger. The city was recently rebuilt making the oldest resident only about 100 years old. Day in and day out new folks made Tiny twig their new home, along with big manufacturing companies. More businesses brought more jobs and more wealth to the city, but also attracted more evil-doers and criminals. One of Tiny twig's biggest menace is the Cranwells.

The Cranwells all started with their fearless leader Crusty. Crusty is one of Tiny twig's biggest and meanest horned frog, earning his name not only cause of his good looks, yeah right, but mostly his behavior. What started as one or two in his crew has evolved into 15 today, and of all days, fate brought them to Freddy's workplace.

Freddy has had his share of odd jobs, you name it and he's probably done it. His last job lasted one day selling fly traps... he thought to himself, "Why would a frog need a fly trap?" It wasn't for him, so now he's at a small corner diner cleaning tables and occasionally cooking when he doesn't mix up the orders. "Hey Val, when are you going to teach me to wait on customers? I wanna better myself too, you know." Freddy asked.

"Once you can tell your right foot from your left, I'll think about it," Valerie replied. Freddy loved the sound of her voice, anytime she spoke to him, stood next to him or just looked in his direction, his knees would give up and his mind would wander for hours.

Freddy had to bring himself back to reality with his boss in his face telling him to get rid of the guys hanging outside, "Freddy, those guys outside have been there for hours, get rid of them. They're scaring the customers!" He was terrible at confrontations and even more awful at telling random guests the tables were for customers only.

"Hey guys, can I help you?" Freddy kindly asked.

They replied, "No, you may not, unless you're here with free food.", "Get outta here before I take all your money!" and "What's it to you?"

Freddy stood dazed not knowing how to react or what to say next.

"What are you still doing here busboy, can't you see the boss is here watching his girlfriend working?" stated the shortest of the bunch afterwards.

"Who's his girlfriend? Only girl here is Val, and she doesn't have a boyfriend," questioned Freddy as one by one they stood up, getting bigger and bigger, leaving the last of the crew towering over the rest, Crusty Cranwell.

Save her Freddy! Awakening  [Tree of life #1]Where stories live. Discover now