Axel's Win

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"You two look comfortable," I snort into my hot chocolate.

Ever since Jocelyn found out that Will and Noa have a 'fraught bond' or whatever it's called, she's enforced a daily twenty minute affection session between them. Right now, they're holding hands while we all watch a movie.

Noa flips me off. "Choke on glass."

I turn and put my feet in Landon's lap. He raises an eyebrow, but doesn't move them.

"You know, it's funny how things end up." I take a sip. "I remember when guys used to come up to me and ask if me if you were single."

Will tilts his head. "They did?"

"Shut up," Noa hisses. "That only happened, like, twice."

I hold up my hand and start putting down fingers. "Tyler, Patrick, Haden, Ryle—"

"Ryle doesn't count!" Noa moves Will's hand onto her shoulder. "Ouch asshole, you're squeezing my hand. Anyways, Ryle doesn't count because he was just trying to get back at his ex."

Will looks more and more irritated by the minute. He hasn't said anything in the past ten minutes—he just keeps staring at the ground sulkily.

Is Will... jealous? This'll take more research.

Landon laughs. "So your sister was some sort of hot commodity at your old school?"

Noa scoffs. "I would not say that."

"I would." She shoots me a skeptical look. "Okay, you never notice because you're either working or studying, but guys—"

"Can we talk about anything else?" Will snaps. "I'm tired of discussing Noa's lack of a dating life."

Noa shakes his hand off and glares at him. "Screw you! Hey, let's discuss Will's dating life instead."

"What dating life?" Landon bursts out laughing. "This is the most action Will's ever gotten."

I start laughing along, but Noa shoots me a dangerous look.

"Is—is this funny?" She tilts her head. "Two words: Levi Johnson."

"Noa, shut the hell up!"

Noa smirks. Crap, she must've caught on to my plan.

"Didn't you say," she slowly leans forward, "that he had the best pair of lips you've ever looked at?"

Landon turns to me with a dark look in his eyes. "Yeah, Axel, did you?"

"N—no," I stammer out.

Noa leans back. "Then why did you make out with him behind the stairwell at our school so many times?"

I stand up and clap my hands. "Well, I think it's time for us to wrap things up."

Noa pouts. "Oh, really? We were having so much fun."

"It's eleven." I pick up my mug and glare at her. "Have fun sleeping with your boyfriend."

"Fuck you, Axel."

A well-practiced game between us. I poke at Noa, she pokes back, and we both keep on bothering each other until someone taps out.

I briskly walk to my room and shut the door. Or try to, but a foot stops it.

Landon lets himself into my room and closes the door behind him. "Levi Johnson, huh?"

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