Chapter 8

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When I woke up I looked at the clock. It's one in the afternoon. Niall is still asleep. I realized how hungry I am and I suppose Niall is ten times as hungry. “Niall” I said as I shook his shoulder. “Yeah?” He said, eyes still closed. “Wanna go get something to eat?” “Yes.” I smiled as Niall opened his eyes at the mention of food. He started to get up but as soon as he left I wanted him back.

“Maybe not just yet” I said but just there Niall scooped up out of bed. “Ok, then.” I said as Niall carried me out the door. When we finished breakfast Niall's mom called. Apparently Niall didn't leave a note when he left last night, so she wanted him home. After Niall left Carter called asking why I never called her back, after I told her what had happened (I left out the part about sleeping with Niall) She insisted we hang out at three.

It's 1:30 and I have an hour and a half before Carter comes. I went upstairs and took a shower, I always sing in the shower and this time I picked an Ed Sheeran song called Give Me Love. When I got out of the shower I wrapped a towel around myself and went into my room. I looked around in my drawers for some jeans but realized I hadn't washed my clothes in a week, so I only have sweatpants. “Great” I mean don't get me wrong I love sweatpants, but Carter would freak if she saw me in them. Carter is a big fan of fashion and always tries to get me to wear girly stuff. Classic Carter.

I smiled at the thought of Carter's face when she sees me in these. I put them on and put a plain white t-shirt on. I went downstairs, grabbed some chips and walked back upstairs. “Hey” My brother said as I passed him in the hallway. “You ok?” He sounded concerned which surprised me because he never sounded that way. “Yeah i'm fine. Niall always makes me feel better.” He nodded. “Hey Dani?” “Yeah?” “Are you and Niall dating?” My eyes went wide. “No!” He smiled. “You've always been a horrible liar.” “But i'm not!” “Well, i'll catch you sometime.” “I'm not dating him!” “Yeah ok.” He winked and not the cute way Niall does.

Just then Carter came in. “We're not dating!” I said as I went downstairs to greet Carter. “Hey!” She said. “Hi.” “Are you ok?” “Yeah i'm fine, Niall helped me get over it.” “That's good. Niall's always been good to you. If you ever wanted to date someone, Niall would be perfect. If you ever get feeling for him, you have my blessing.” I couldn't help it, I giggled and replied “Oh so now I need your permission?” She smiled “Yep.” ‘OMG! Have you heard Justin Bieber's new album!??!  Holy crap I love it!” Carter is a big JB fan. He's ok, I mean I don't love him but he's ok.

“I'm sure it's good.” I said. “It is!” She held up a movie and I realized she had some romantic movie I didn't recognize. ‘It's a new one!” Carter loves romantic movies, she loves watching people falling in love, personally I think it would be better to fall in love with someone in real life, like I fell in love with Niall. I'm sure it's just a faze she's going through. I frowned a little, knowing Niall isn't here and isn't going to comfort me from the terrible dreams.

A tear formed in my eye but I quickly wiped it away before Carter could notice. “You feel like watching this?” She asked sounding excited. “Yeah.” I lied. She put in the movie and sat down on the couch. I sat down next to her. The guy on the screen was hugging the girl. I miss Niall's hugs. And then the guy on the screen kissed the girl. Niall hasn't kissed me yet but i'm waiting patiently. The movie was going on and then the guy cheated on the girl. I wonder if Niall would ever cheat on me… What if he's just using me?

“Danielle! Are you ok?” “Yeah, i'm fine. Why?” But then I realized my face is hot with tears. Carter ran to the kitchen and got me some tissues. “I cry all the time in these movies, but i've never seen you cry” I nodded not knowing how to reply. We finished the movie it turned 6:00pm Geez. That was a freaking long movie. “What do you want to do now?” She said. “I don't know.” I knew what I wanted to. Call Niall, I miss him after watching that movie i'm worried he's going to cheat. “Let's go online.” I nodded. We went on her facebook and when she was done I went on mine. Niall was on. I instantly Video requested him and he accepted. My heart dropped when the first I saw was a bleach blonde, beautiful girl, beaming next to Niall.

Hola!! This is my last update tonight, cause i'm getting up early tomorrow :o

By the way if you can't read chapter six i'm sorry but wattpad only lets me and my followers read it. Strange. Please comment if that’s happened to you before.





Fly With Me *Niall Horan love story* ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now