Chapter: 2

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Chapter: 2

((Narrator POV))

A lone woman sat in a booth in the upper levels of a club music blaring with a large man with blue jeans and cowboy boots he wore a white button up shirt with a black blazer and a black over coat and a bandana and a cowboy hat but he also on his forearm had a tattoo or a skull with two roses on either side of the upper jaw with the leaves and the skull has two holes on either side of it with two revolvers going into the two holes his weapon slung on his back a Remington 870 shotgun that shot dust rounds his favorites to use though were gravity dust to blast enemies away,blast dust, or fire dust his name was Malcom Graves.

"Any word on Tobias yet?"he asked seriously to the woman the woman a crossed from him wore light blue jeans and black thigh high boots and a belt that holds her two revolvers that transform into twin kama sickles and the belt buckle had a crest of a rose she also wore a white button up with a gray long coat with red lining and she wore a hat and she inhaled in her cigarette illuminating her silver eyes.
"Trust your partner Malcom he has Neo this they'll be back"she comforted the large man.
"I know I'm just bored I don't know why I couldn't go"he whined and crossed his arms as he puffed his cigar.

"I told you because I need you here Malcom your the head of security here and I've told you many times I need someone here at all times and your the best at security" she said seriously.
"I know I know"he said his voice gruff and slightly annoyed as he overlooked the patrons of the club dancing and drinking heavily.
"The club is good money but I would have settled for a casino Tobias could have brought in a lot of money by himself"he chuckled.
"That's because he cheats using illusions and card tricks"she said annoyed.
"I know but it still would get us a lot of money just having people try and beat him alone"he couldn't contain his laughter.
The woman only sighed at her bodyguard.
"Oh come on ru-...I mean mistress rose"he quickly recovered knowing she doesn't like to be called her true name while the club was open as someone could hear.
Before she could say anything her scroll went off showing the photo of a card with a ace of clubs on it with the name T on it and she answered.
"It's done" was all the voice said before he hung up.
"He's on his way back"was all she said.
Tobias was a man of few words while on missions he never said anything unless it was worth saying how he puts up with a man like Malcom she will never know.
She looks and saw Malcom's  sleeves were rolled up to expose his forearms revealing her gangs tattoo any member of the gang has to get the tattoo to signify they are in the gang it's also the only way to access the lower levels of the club which house their heist planning room and their smuggling vehicles it's also where mistress roses office is.
Everyone in the Iron Roses has a private scroll which means the scroll can't be taped and listened into by any police or nosey atleasian general.

A bit more time passed and mistress rose was watching her patrons when she saw two figures walked in a man and a small multi colored woman the man was wearing a stylish long coat over a nice white button up and also wore a black tie with black jeans and black cowboy boots and matching cowboy hat and bandana but he also sported black leather gloves but what stood out about him is that his eyes glowed a blue hue but what also stood out is he didn't have any weapons on him.
The woman wears a white cropped wide, broad tailed jacket with a pink interior, collar, a single pink button and large pink cuffs. She wears brown pants with a dark belt that has a gray buckle and an additional narrow belt under it. Under her jacket is a brown corset, curved in the middle and at the bottom, exposing her hips. She also wears a multitude of black beaded necklaces, which hang haphazardly around her neck. She also wears black and white spat styled under the knee boots alongside black gloves.

She knew that was Tobias and her lover Neo.

They walk up the stairs to the VIP area and walked to their booth.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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