Chapter 3 - Dixon reunion

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Shane was still not back from the high school and Daryl was sitting by his motorcycle cleaning his arrows thinking about Caitlín and all the memories they had shared is the years they've known each other. They both always got in trouble but it was from mostly bailing Merle out of what ever he had done. The thing Daryl lingered on the most about was that him and Caitlín were trying for a kid. Caitlín always thought that Daryl would make a wonderful father, a better one than the one he had growing up. A few weeks before the world went to shit Daryl had gone to the store and got a pregnancy test so Caitlín could take it when he got back. Sadly that was also around the time Daryl had to go and bail Merle out of jail because someone had told Merle that Daryl was nothing and that Caitlín was a good for nothing whore and promptly forgot about the box. When he did remember about it it was around the time Caitlín had been at work and the Walkers started roaming more and more causing everyone to go into a state of panic. Daryl regretted leaving but Merle had dragged him kicking a yelling his wives name until he couldn't no more.
Daryl turns around and pulls out the box that he forgot to give his wife and looks at it with tears threatening to fall.
"What is that?" Daryl jumps and turns around to see Dale who'd just switched shifts with Another person who he couldn't tell who it was since he was farther than he should be from the group.
"Nothin'." Daryl says putting the box back into his back pack hoping the Dale would drop the subject and leave him be so he could feel like a failure on his own.
Dale looks at him with a look that said he didn't believe Daryl when he said that it was nothing. "I've been wondering something." Dale said. "Where you married? I saw you looking at that ring around your neck few times when you would be on watch so I was wondering." Dale trailed off.
Daryl looks at Dale then back at the finger where his ring was suppose to be and sighed knowing that if he tried fighting this battle he would surely lose and would only confirm what Dale thought. "Her name 's Caitlín. She moved to Georgia from Boston about nine years ago. She was Merle and I's only friend. Merle was good he didn't do drugs, didn't drink a lot he was good." Dale sat down in front of Daryl and listened. "She changed me too. We started dating about two years into our friendship, and let me tell ya Merle was happy for us." Daryl smiled shocking Dale a bit but didn't show it, scared that Daryl would go back into his shell and not talk anymore. "We got married almost three years ago. We were trying to have a child for over a year." Daryl says looking at Dale squinting in the sunlight. "I actually had gone out a few weeks before this shit all happened and gotten a test for her but I got a call sayin' that Merle had beat the shit outa someone for talking shit 'bout Caitlín." Daryl smirked as he remembered his and Daryl's argument on the drive home. "Please don't tell anything to anyone because I don't want them to see me as soft and weak." Daryl asks Dale.
Dale smiled softly knowing that it took a lot for Daryl to talk to someone that wasn't his brother and was even happy that it was him he had talked too. Dale puts his hands up. "What you tell me stays with me. I won't tell another soul." Dale stands up and puts his rifle on his shoulder before holding his hand out to help Daryl up to his feet. "Come on we need to leave." Dale says in his grandfathery way.
"I wish I could've met this wonderful young lady of yours. I bet we would've gotten along well." Dale says as Daryl grabs his hand and lefts himself. "Thanks man. I'm sorry for everything I know if Caitlín found out about what Merle and I did to cause you trouble. I don't even want to know." Both Dale and Daryl chuckled. Everyone got in vehicles and drove to the farm.
Caitlín was outside after changing from her bloody clothing to dark blue shorts, a black tank top with an eagle that had an American flag pattern, with a old red flannel, and her black combat boots with a knife in each boot and her pistol strapped to her waist, and a pack of cigarettes.
Caitlín could hear the vehicles coming so she was waiting on the porch with her short black hair parted to the side with her natural rosy pink lips slightly parted showing her white teeth and her piercing blue eyes that could burn through someone's soul that had a cigarette lit between her slightly parted lips.
Everyone parked and got out and as everyone started to get out of the house one by one as Rick, Glenn, T-Dog, Lori and everyone else came out but Maggie who was watching Carl.
Daryl was in the back and couldn't hear who everyone was talking too and couldn't see the person that's leaning against the wall. All he could see was black hair and perfectly sun kissed skin.
"Hey white girl why don't you tell us your full name?" T-Dog says making Caitlín blush. Daryl wanted to go up and introduce himself but decided to wait and not look like a fool.
"My full name?" Daryl's head snapped up knowing exactly who had just spoke. He started pushing himself thought the small group and when he got to the front was when Caitlín turned her full body around so Daryl could see that the girl was the love of his life. "My full name is-" Daryl cut Caitlín off. "Caitlín Rose MacManus Dixon." Caitlín had taken the name of MacManus when she had turned eighteen after being raised by Connor and Murphy's mom all of her life. Everyone looked at Daryl like he had grown another head. All except Dale who smiled happy that these two people had finally found each other. Caitlín put her hands over her mouth as tears started coming down her face from happiness.
"Daryl?" Caitlín asks not believing that she found him after all this time and forgot about everyone else that seemed to surround them looking at the reunited couple. "Oh, my god its you!" She ran and jumped off the porch and into his arms. Daryl spins her around laughing as he placed kisses on the top of her head and buries his face into her hair breathing in the intoxicating scent that was pure and simply Caitlín and he's missed her for so long that no one else mattered, nor did anyone's opinions matter. It was just Daryl and Caitlín in that moment.
"I finally found you." Daryl mumbled not letting go of Caitlín scared that if he did she would disappear. Like all of this was some cruel dream and his one hope of happiness was going to be taken from him forever.
"Yea' you did." Caitlín says crying relieved to have back her husband and best friend. She pulls back and kisses Daryl missing the feel of his lips against hers. The way his slightly chapped lips felt with her soft ones as they molded together perfectly, and moved in sync. After they pull back Shane is pulling into the farm from his run to the high school with everything needed for the surgery. Shane told Hershel about Otis and how he sacrificed himself so he could bring everything back to Hershel and save Carl. Hershel was upset about it and told everyone not to tell his wife until after the surgery.
"Caitlín," Rick said when he and Lori where kicked out of Carl's room so Hershel could do the surgery. "Sophia's mom is here." Caitlín got the memo and went to go get Sophia from Beth's room and came back with her half asleep, but when she saw everyone she was surprised. Carol started crying as she hugged her once missing daughter then hugged Caitlín and thanked her what seemed to be a hundred times. Everyone else also thanked Caitlín, and went to sit and wait for Hershel to be done.

(A/N - Hey Walker killers like promised Daryl was in this chapter and the reunited YAY!!! The song is 'Where'd You Go' by Fort Minor. I'm sorry for any mistakes in this book I'm going off of memory as much as possible and having help from one of my cousins who is a HUGE walking dead so I don't get to much wrong for the next couple of chapters until we get to the prison.

Anyway I hope you liked this chapter. I would love it if you gave me feedback through messaging me or writing a comment it would be greatly appreciated.




And love Daryl Dixon.

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