Introducing the idiots

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Hairum scarum: we decided to ignore Sargent  Burley and we charged for the dungeon. Now I'm the strongest level yo Kai on the team so I know what I'm doing i'm level 85 anyway.  Orcanos this is the strongest oni there's actually two oni the other is ogralus then again there scared of demuncher. And then we have comic genius like his name suggest he is a comedian even if his jokes are corny I can assure you it will put a smile on your face 

Anyways these are the teammates 

Hairum scarum *me*

Yokai rank: S

Soultimate: lvl10

Attack: lvl10

Technique: lvl10 

Level:93/95 I can't remember 

Special skill: endurance holds onto one HP


Yokai rank:S

Attack level:10

technique level:10

Soultimate level:9

I'm too lazy to put the rest of them sorry 

Also recently me and Nate went rafting I beat the crap out of some alligators and also logs

It's hard for me to type with claws  

Also this is what I look like

I'm basically an anxious blob of hair

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I'm basically an anxious blob of hair . I might look scary but I wouldn't even take candy from a baby heck I wouldn't even hurt a fly.  When most yo Kai see me they're instantly terrified I don't get it I won't hurt anyone. I am a pretty hardy yokai so I don't get hurt that often I can survive basically anything except if I'm going up against the divas Kind of terrifying actually. 

So Nate went to an alternate dimension where he got turned into a yo Kai fuu 2 was the name See  I'm not bad at remembering stuff I did forget my own birthday one time tho anyways in the alternant pocket dimension he was following Katie I haven't seen her in a long while when we got back from the pocket dimension Katie was a Yokai mee 2 is the name of the Yokai .  So Nate got a diva tag which allows you to fight one of the divas it's kind of terrifying actually The team is like level 116 but we're still terrified . So we actually have one of the divas on our team we have ancient Enma now yay 

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