This is the longest story ive ever made i think

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Cherry tomatoes
They taste very good
Some people call them grape tomatoes
Languages are interesting
I've eaten multiple things of family sized containers of cherry tomatoes by myself
They just taste nice
So do oranges
The same has happened with oranges but with fruit bowls rather than containers
I'm writing during the daytime finally
This is the first chapter that I've done that :/
Whoopsies 🙊
Expect more chapters being made during the summer, I have a lot more free time
I'm so coooooooooooolllllllllldddddddd
I don't like cold
But I like ice, ice cream, snow cones, and every single frozen thing that is edible
Ahahahhaa 🤧😝
My geckos home is so warm but not too hot
I wish I was my gecko

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Hopefully that shows up right for you
I think I'll wait a bit till I have more to post before I post this
I'm gonna make longer chapters now I think
Also, when I take a break from writing for like two hours I will start doing the following:
Don't you hate it when you read something but then it's not finished and the last chapter that has been made is left on a cliff hanger?
That just happened to me
I swear, I complain about temperatures too much on this, I was complaining about being too hot then in the next chapter I was complaining about being too cold
I can never make up my mind
Earlier someone asked, "how do you feel about summer and why?"
I said, sad and happy
She asked me why I felt happy about it and I said because I get to be inside a lot
Then she asked why I felt sad about it
And I said because I'm inside too much
I need to find out what I actually want
I think that's all for this chapter, I know I've been basically spamming yall with chapters
This is more than I usually write
Anyway, drink something, eat something, and sleep at least a bit tonight if possible.

idk just listen to a dumbass talk :DWhere stories live. Discover now