Chapter 6

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Chloe POV
I yawn as I get up. It was 7:00, the time I always get up. I go to my closet, do the usual, and come downstairs. (Chloe is 14 turning 15, like Henry, on Saturday.) I was excited for my birthday on Saturday. I hope Henry didn't forget even when I told him like a million times.

Anyways, when I go downstairs I was surprised to see Charlotte, Henry, and Jasper here. "Oh, hey guys. When did you get here?" I ask. "Oh well, we cane here. He-" "We all wanted to see you, since your birthday is coming up." Henry cuts off Charlotte. "Anyways." says Charlotte while giving Henry an 'you're spring's face and Henry looks innocent. "Anyways. We were wondering if you wanted to walk to school with us." she asks. "Oh sure. Let me just grab my backpack and we could go." I say.

I walk to my backpack on the stool. "Ok. I'm ready." I say heading for the door. They all come out and we start walking. "So you and Henry are a thing?" Jasper finally says something. "YUP." I say popping the 'p'. They started laughing.

We get to the school and I see Bianca. Oh great. My perfect day ruined. Henry starts to say "Don't do anything to her and leave us alone!" he almost screams. "Well at least I'm not an attention whog." she says.

That's when I broke. I headed to the bathroom and got out a picket knife. I started cutting when the door swinger open and it was Charlotte. "Chloe are you ok?" she asks. "What are you doing?! Don't cut. That's not good for you and it becomes and adiction. Stop!" she yells. Then I drop the knife and started crying.

She helped me up and I started to wash off and ask her "What's Henry doing?" "Oh, well he's going to class, but before that he was talking to Bianca.
(While Chloe is in the bathroom)
Henry POV
I saw Chloe running to the bathroom and and crying. I look at Bianca and she had a smirk on her face. I stomped up to her and yelled "Why do you get jealous?! There's other guys. You've never gotten like this when Mitch Bilskey dumped you." I say. "Well..." "Well nothing! Just get out of our relationship." I say.

Then the bell rang. I wanted to go to Chloe but I had to go to class. I hope she's ok.
(End of Henry's pov while Chloe's in the bathroom)
Chloe POV
I got out of the bathroom with Charlotte and I realized I was late for class.

I walk I and everyone was staring at me, including Henry. I sit doen and the class goes on. Henry passes a note saying 'Are you ok?" I give him an 'its ok' look. Then he nods. The day goes by and I'm walking by my self when I feel something on my mouth. Then everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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