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I woke up to the sound of my obnoxious brother Steve yelling at me to wake up.

"Stef! Stef! Wake up you're gonna be late!".
I opened one of my eyes slightly and threw a pillow at him.

"Ow! That's it!" He pushed me out of my bed and I fell right on my head on the floor. I looked up glaring at him and flipped him off.

"Fuck you" I mumbled and got up onto my feet.

He threw his hands up in the air in defense "You should be thanking me, you think I wanna wake up your grumpy ass everyday?" Steve rolled his eyes and walked out of my room.

I walked over to my bathroom and washed my face with cold water.
"Today will be a good day." I tried to tell myself as I fake smiled at my reflection in the mirror.
After I got dressed I ran downstairs and got in the passenger seat of my brothers car. I turned on Tears Of Fears and rolled down my window.

"Welcome to your life, there's no turning back.." Steve sang loudly and I couldn't help but laugh.

"How's my vocals" he said looking proudly at me while keeping his hands on the wheel.

"You sound like you just chocked on a motor engine" I said biting down on my tongue so I wouldn't burst out laughing.

"Hey! I'll have you know a lot of people think I sound amazing!" He yelled sarcastically.

"Yeah the people in your dreams" I said smiling as we stopped at school.

"Still people" he mumbled as he turned off the radio and got out of the car. I got out behind him and took a moment to observe everything.
There was a boy with long dirty blonde curly hair starring at me, he seemed familiar but I didn't know where from.

"Stef" my brother Steve said shaking me back to reality.

"What" I said annoyed at my brother.

"Nothing you just zoned out" he said looking at the boy with the dirty blonde hair.

"Who is he?" I asked my brother looking at the dirty blonde haired boy.

"His names Billy, he's a dick." Steve said watching as he caught all the girls attention walking away. The bell started to ring and I walked away before my brother could give me a long lecture.

I walked through the hallway in a rush to get to my class in time. "Hello! Can you help me find Mrs. Smiths class?" I asked the first person I saw.

"Im actually going there myself, follow me" he shut his locker and started walking away swiftly.

I caught up to him "so what's your name" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"My names Nick Goode, are you new?" He said examining me.

"Well Nick, my names Stephanie, everyone calls me Stef though. I was here for my freshman year just not last year" I chuckled and smiled slightly.

"Well Stef, it's nice to meet you" Nick said opening the door for me to Mrs. Smiths class.

"Thank you" I whispered smiling at him softly. I walked into the classroom and saw the boy from earlier sitting in the back.

"You're both late there's only two seats left." Mrs smith said pointing to the one next to Billy and one upfront. I was about to take the seat upfront, but before I could get there Nick took the seat. I sighed lightly and walked to the back of the classroom sitting down at the seat next to Billy.

The girl that was giving me a weird look earlier walked into the classroom. We made eye contact and she immediately tore her eyes away when she saw I was looking at her too.
She tried to sit upfront but the boy she walked in with took the seat, she sighed and looked nervous taking the seat next to me. I wanted to ask her if she remembered me, but I knew I couldn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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